How do I send alerts when new events are add to my Microsoft Live Calendar?

John Tuach

New member
Mar 4, 2015
Sending Alerts When New Events Added to Microsoft Live Calendar

I suspect that I am not able to do what I would like to but will ask the questions just in case...

I use the Ms calendar on my Lumia 920 which in turn updates the online version at the Ms Live website as well as the Windows Live calendar accessed via my email client.

All good so far.

Problems started when I gave the wife access to my calendar but she keeps forgetting to check it before making appointments for us (which conflict with important things like my golf).

I thought there was a way of having the calendar create an automatic email whenever I added a new event and have that email sent to the wife to alert her to my latest meeting/tee time.

Checked all places where I would have expected to find an option to make the wife a recipient of alert emails but have failed. Seems I can send an update/new event alert to myself but to nobody else.

Can somebody confirm that to be the case. (If I have selected the wrong category for this posting then apologies.)

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Sending Alerts When New Events Added to Microsoft Live Calendar

What if you add your wife in the entry you make in your agenda ("add someone" required or better optional) in that case she will get an e-mail (to except) and this entry will also be in your wives calendar.

Not sure if this is the right category but I also do not know which category should fit better.:)
Re: Sending Alerts When New Events Added to Microsoft Live Calendar

Thanks for the suggestion Harrie-s

Herself is not too keen on computer based calendars and prefers a big A4 dairy! I will create a MS Live calendar for her anyway on her Ms account and do as you suggest and see if that opens up any possibilities.

I suppose if it works she will end up with a calendar containing only my appointments but getting alerts for my updates might just encourage her to forsake the hard copy diary and start to use her diary.
Re: Sending Alerts When New Events Added to Microsoft Live Calendar

Thanks for the suggestion Harrie-s

Herself is not too keen on computer based calendars and prefers a big A4 dairy! I will create a MS Live calendar for her anyway on her Ms account and do as you suggest and see if that opens up any possibilities.

I suppose if it works she will end up with a calendar containing only my appointments but getting alerts for my updates might just encourage her to forsake the hard copy diary and start to use her diary.

Okay let use know if it works.

And a lower tech solution buy a big stamp with the text "Honey please check my agenda first" and stamp it on all the pages of her A4 dairy ;-)
Re: Sending Alerts When New Events Added to Microsoft Live Calendar

If the stamp said ' honey' I may have to start calling her that as well - where would it all end!

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