Question for Mobilenations crew


New member
Oct 1, 2013
Thing is... I really like Windows central, windows phones, other phones and everything connected with it. Therefore, I would like to have all mobilenations apps on my Lumia! I would like to check what's new in Android central as well as in Imore . Is it possible to land rest of the apps for us?
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I've moved this to a more fitting area... Our tech people are way more likely to see this here in WC App support.

I'm not an App user for visiting these sites. I just pin the desktop versions to my Start Screen. I have several of the MN sites pinned that way and I use Skinnery to put site logos on the tiles.

I know some much prefer Apps for web sites.

Hopefully more App users will chime in and our tech crew will reply as well.
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Thanks a lot man! I hope someone will see this and make me happy! And lot of other people here, I hope.
The CEO of Mobile Nations told me like a year ago that "2014 is the year we go cross-platform!". I'm not sure what happened there, but I haven't heard anything since.
From what I understand, the issues are related to the Tapatalk APIs. That is why Android is the only platform to get apps for all Mobile Nations sites.
That makes no sense Laura, if they can make a windows central app, they can make an android central app, the real reason is most likely due to market share. It has nothing to do with tapatalk
That makes no sense Laura, if they can make a windows central app, they can make an android central app, the real reason is most likely due to market share. It has nothing to do with tapatalk
It's definitely related to Tapatalk. Take a look at my screenshot here from the Windows Central Android app.


Notice how I could even attach a file. There are a lot more features available, including even Moderator tools.
@All - thanks for the questions and concerns here! Trust me I understand!

At Mobile Nations we have 2 types of apps for our communities. 1) Our official apps (i.e. the Windows Central App), and 2) our Tapatalk forums apps.

Tapatalk allows us to package up Android and iOS apps for upload to Google Play and iTunes. There is no Windows Phone or BlackBerry support from Tapatalk at this time.

In terms of the official apps (iMore app, Windows Central app, etc.) these are CUSTOM apps that we have developers working on for us. They are totally custom creations and take a lot of time and effort to get right. The iMore app is on iOS only, the Android Central app works on Android devices only, the Windows Central app on Windows Phone, etc... you get the picture.

We'd love to be able to bring all of these apps to each platform, but the bottom line is it takes the time, money and demand to do so. Right now we've been fortunate enough to cater to the core audience that wants Android Central on Android, iMore on iOS, Windows Central on Windows Phone, etc... but having one 'master' app that worked for all communities, available on ALL platforms is something we'd love to do in the future.

​Hope this was helpful :)
Thanks for answer James it clears things a lot, for me at least. I hope we'll get all apps for all platforms one day. Heck, I would pay for every single one of them! 😊 Cheers!
I have a tapatalk app on my lumia 920??? It's official, did they end development?

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