When will we see Windows Central Beta?

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Where's is Windows Central beta app?

Hey Dan, I thought you said the beta was coming out? Come on give us early Christmas present. 🎅
Re: Where's is Windows Central beta app?

I wish, but soon is all we know really.
Why even mention it, if your going to leave people hanging. Say nothing until you release it. Done. Now how hard was that?
I don't know, why does Apple announce products before they're available in stores? Why did Palm announce the Pre a half-year before launch?

Hey Dan, I thought you said the beta was coming out? Come on give us early Christmas present. ��

I've merged your thread with one with the exact same question created yesterday.
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Can't wait for the new app ! Hopefully we can see pictures now and post them from the mobile app
Stuff Happens... Bugs get reported and pushes back the release, even the beta. It will come when it comes.
Then again, why even mention it? Just say you're working on it, and be done. Aul isn't even this bad at a timetable.
its almost a month later now I don't get it even if its not ready 100% like they wanted it it can be released and updated afterwards like every other app

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its almost a month later now I don't get it even if its not ready 100% like they wanted it it can be released and updated afterwards like every other app

Sent from mTalk

Yea like the 950/950XL LOL... 😉
Hoping for landscape ability here :)
Vaporware? WC should have been the first app to be universal. Set the standard people, not ignore it.
Funny right.. shows that we have to wait for windows 10 UWP apps for a while if even Windows News sites cant get apps done within the first 1/4 year of release.
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