New WP7 Owner!


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May 21, 2011
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Hi folks,
After weeks of researching I finally decided to get a Samsung Focus. It's only been a few days but so far I'm amazed at how well the OS is designed and love the Focus's big bright screen. I have owned every version of the iPhone, then jumped to android not only to save money (Virgin Mobile) but b/c I was dropping every other call with the iPhone 4. I won't get into android, but I'll say that I will never own a google phone again. Being honestly bored by iOS, not wanting to pay $300 for a 32GB iPhone that will be outdated in a few months and being surrounded by nothing but iPhones and androids I thought it would be fun to try something different.

So far my only disappointment is the small marketplace and high priced apps, but I knew that going in. I read up on the microSD nightmare and this worked perfect (for Patriot class 10 32GB)

Formated on laptop as FAT32 with 32k clusters
Reset phone to factory
Installed SD card
Booted phone

It showed me nearly 40GB of space. I loaded on about 13GB of music and so far it's been working perfectly.


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Dec 11, 2010
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Glad you are enjoying your new WP. Small Marketplace is a relative statement. Have you actually looked at all 17k+ apps (I have). There is quite a bit already available and the categories of apps that are missing are due to APIs not being available yet, but that will be remedied shortly. Almost everything, except some XBox games, are free or 0.99. I have more than 150 apps/games on my phone. Just need to look around.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express


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Apr 20, 2011
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Welcome my proud Focus owner. The marketplace is getting bigger every day, don't worry about that, almost everything you need is in there and when Mango releases they will be following in droves.

The prices really suck though.


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Dec 11, 2010
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The prices really suck though.

Coming from Windows Mobile, where the average app ran about $14.95, and almost nothing for free (shareware is not free) got to say that I don't feel any sticker shock. Over 8 years of phones and PDAs I invested well over $1000 in software. With WP, probably 70 of my 160 apps/games are paid and still probably under $100. Guess its all relative.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express


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Jan 1, 2011
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Congrats fellow Focus owner. I love this device and I've enjoyed it for some time now.

All I need now is Bing Navigation and I'll be a happy camper. The other features from Mango is excellent and will just make it even better for me.


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May 21, 2011
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I gotta tell ya this OS is operates like something on star trek. It increasingly blows me away. Got it ghost armored a few days ago. Hey if anyone knows a good set of earbuds with controls that are compatible with the Focus please advise (click and volume controls). The included headphones sound great but I'm not a fan of in-ear. Something similar to the iPhone headphones would be great


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May 26, 2011
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WP7 Rocks

Hi folks,
After weeks of researching I finally decided to get a Samsung Focus. It's only been a few days but so far I'm amazed at how well the OS is designed and love the Focus's big bright screen. I have owned every version of the iPhone, then jumped to android not only to save money (Virgin Mobile) but b/c I was dropping every other call with the iPhone 4. I won't get into android, but I'll say that I will never own a google phone again. Being honestly bored by iOS, not wanting to pay $300 for a 32GB iPhone that will be outdated in a few months and being surrounded by nothing but iPhones and androids I thought it would be fun to try something different.

So far my only disappointment is the small marketplace and high priced apps, but I knew that going in. I read up on the microSD nightmare and this worked perfect (for Patriot class 10 32GB)

Formated on laptop as FAT32 with 32k clusters
Reset phone to factory
Installed SD card
Booted phone

It showed me nearly 40GB of space. I loaded on about 13GB of music and so far it's been working perfectly.
I am an iPhone4 user. But I have played with Focus for a month & love it. Can't wait for the new hardware that's coming out with Mango & I am jumping ship. It's a very different experience & Android sucked big time. I still dont understand all the hoopla surrounding Android..WP7 Rocks.


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May 26, 2011
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Hi everybody! I just ordered an arrive on amazon for $99. Just for some background I'm an android fan and I'm giving up my evo for this. I went to the sprint store and played with a few phones the other day. I really considered a nexus s but was leaning toward an evo 3d, out of curiosity I also played with an arrive. I went home and couldn't stop thinking of the metro ui interface and what a pleasant user experience it was for me. It took me by complete surprise.

So even though it's missing quite a few things (which I know are coming) here I am. Not entirely happy with the arrive form factor but I'm looking forward to mango and if it works out for me then I'll be first in line for a high end nokia.

Never thought I'd look at another os after Android but it kinda looked dull after my time with the arrive. I'll admit it's new to me just like android was to me at one time so only time will tell if this is just a phase. I'm looking forward to going through the wp7 discovery experience with everyone on here.

Out of curiosity are there any other former evo owners on here who made the transition to the arrive? Just wanted to know what you think so far.


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Feb 12, 2011
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Hi everybody! I just ordered an arrive on amazon for $99. Just for some background I'm an android fan and I'm giving up my evo for this. I went to the sprint store and played with a few phones the other day. I really considered a nexus s but was leaning toward an evo 3d, out of curiosity I also played with an arrive. I went home and couldn't stop thinking of the metro ui interface and what a pleasant user experience it was for me. It took me by complete surprise.

So even though it's missing quite a few things (which I know are coming) here I am. Not entirely happy with the arrive form factor but I'm looking forward to mango and if it works out for me then I'll be first in line for a high end nokia.

Never thought I'd look at another os after Android but it kinda looked dull after my time with the arrive. I'll admit it's new to me just like android was to me at one time so only time will tell if this is just a phase. I'm looking forward to going through the wp7 discovery experience with everyone on here.

Out of curiosity are there any other former evo owners on here who made the transition to the arrive? Just wanted to know what you think so far.

Not a former Evo user, but a Nexus/Android user. I will never go back. WP7 design and UI blew me completely away, and once Mango comes (next big software update) I won't even miss any features. Looking forward I can see Windows 8 on my laptop & tablet, my xbox media center, and my Windows Phone having the best all around ecosystem available, and most pleasing interface.


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May 26, 2011
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Yeah that's a good point and something I thought about as well while considering jumping on this os. A metro ui tablet with xbox games incased in Nokia hardware?!!! iWhat?

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