Transitioning from iPhone keyboard to WP7 keyboard...


New member
Apr 15, 2012
I love almost everything WP7 has to offer. Simply put, it's just plain sexy. BUT, the keyboard is killing me.

From the perspective of someone having used an iPhone for the past 4 years, the keyboard's autocorrect in WP7 just doesn't cut it.

Things I've noticed:
1. It does a decent job of predicting words you're typing, but it waits far too long to actually highlight the word it has predicted to allow for a simple spacebar press to select the word. You usually have to get to the last few letters of the word for it to highlight it for spacebar input, so if you don't want to type out the rest of the word, you have to manually select it from the word bar.

2. I'm accustomed to being able to absolutely butcher the spelling of words and feel pretty confident that the iPhone was going to figure out what i was trying to say. This confidence allowed me to fly through texts with very few mistakes made. It seems like with WP7, you have to get pretty close to the correct spelling for it to do a good job of predicting the word. (By correct spelling, I mean not hitting too many erroneous keys that are near the key you intended to hit).

3. If the spelling is completely butchered but it still manages to have the word predicted in the word bar, it won't highlight the word, but instead forces you to manually select it. I would much prefer it to go ahead and highlight the word it thinks i'm trying to type so that I can hit space and move on with the text quickly. IMO, this feature is vital for anyone wanting to speed type with some level of confidence. However, highlighting the word in this manner would only work if my next point is resolved....

4. ....I can't seem to find a way to CANCEL a highlighted word. If WP7 does highlight a word for you, there doesn't seem to be a way to override it (something like the "x" in iOS that lets you bypass the autopredicted word and keep what you have typed instead). If anyone knows of a way to do this, please let me know.

5. One handed texting is much more difficult to pull off on this phone compared to the iPhone. I think a lot of this has to do with the size of the screen, but I also think it has something to do with having to reach to select a word from the word bar pretty frequently (see point 3), which is simply easier to do when using two hands (this is just a personal annoyance since i frequently texted with one hand when using the iPhone).

6. I'm not sure if its just me, but I've also noticed the keyboard lags a bit every once in a while (using the lumia 900). Its subtle and not much of an issue, but key input isn't always one to one as it seems have a slight delay SOMETIMES.

Anyone else have thoughts on the keyboard? It seems like Microsoft needs to expand the keyboards predictive ability when it comes to hitting keys in the vicinity to the key you intended to hit. I'm sure it will improve over time, but for right now, it's extremely frustrating. Is this enough reason to stick to the iPhone for now?
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New member
Apr 15, 2012
I'm in the process of adjusting to the same thing. Plus I can't read comments in posts from sites like BGR and Engadget. I keep getting security certificate errors.


Mod Emeritus
Mar 1, 2011
Strange, I like the keyboard much more than the keyboard on iOS5. To each his own.


New member
Nov 19, 2011
To cancel an autocorrection (highlighted) tap the word you are typing in the text box to highlight it. Then you get the option to add it to your custom dictionary. This is especially useful if it's something you type frequently, like a less common name (like Jayden, my youngest daughter) because if you add it it will come up as one of the first few predictions when you hit the first letter of the word in question. And if it's an acronym, like IMHO, it will show up with the proper capitalization. Very handy for grammar nazis such as myself. If you don't use the word frequently enough to add it, or the autocorrection has already occurred, simply highlight the corrected word and the first suggestion will be what you originally typed. It took me a while to figure this out, and was frustrating to be sure until I did. However, concerning the iPhone keyboard, when I was still using a dumbphone I wanted a 4s like it was the end of the world. That is, until I tried typing on one. It was a colossal train wreck. On my HD7, as well as every smaller WP I've tried, I can let my thumbs fly confidently. You are probably just accustomed to the iPhone, and it may take a couple days to adjust. I say give it a chance. Also, if you have a device that doesn't have the 8107 update, it worth forcing, (see the wpcentral tutorial) as it dramatically increases the keyboard accuracy. Like, night and day.


New member
Apr 15, 2012
Although I like the WP7 keyboard more than Android's, will admit the iOS keyboard is much easier. I'd recommend turning on the ticking sound of the keys when typing, it helps. Just like anything, you'll be able to get used to it.


New member
Sep 8, 2011
Are you kidding?

A real world example, WP's keyboard knows what "Thudnisnjust" means.

My sister just got her Lumia, after being on iOS for 5 years, and by the second day she said she liked texting on the Lumia better (keep in mind my sister is a complete technophobe).

Sent from my Samsung Focus S using Board Express.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
That's very strange to me. I switched from an iPhone to my WP7 and the first thing that i noticed is how much i loved the keyboard! I think that the Keyboard is one of the best parts about WP7!! But, everybody has their likes and dislikes!


New member
Sep 29, 2011
I feel exactly what the OP is saying. I too am not nearly as fast one handed which is my preferred way. If anything though it is a combination of the phone being larger and the auto-correct/predictive text functioning a little different.

Does WP7 "learn" like iOS does so as I go it will adapt to phrases and such that I use?

I won't call it worse yet. But I am currently far faster on iOS keyboard than WP7. I know it took me quite a while to master the virtual keyboard so I will give it some time for me to adapt as well.


New member
Mar 19, 2012
Well, for one, the screen and the phone in general is alot bigger on the Lumia. And for me, the Lumia has don't the best for me as far as autocorrect. I had the iphone 4 and about 5 iterations of android phones. The Android keyboard I like was the ICS keyboard and the Swiftkey X keyboard. I find WP7 autocorrect was a mixture of the two. While it is decent and finding out what I meant to say, many times I can easily count on the bar above to give me a decent amount of words that SHOULD go next. AND, for me the accuracy on WP7 phones are tops. But that just could be me. But I noticed I have less errors on WP7 phones. And type in landscape with the L900 seems to fit just right in my hand. I think because of the flat edges.


Mar 31, 2012
i've never experienced one of the embarrassing autocorrect changes iOS users suffer. WP7 doesn't do any of that over zealous prediction


New member
Sep 29, 2011
I do like that it gives you options of words instead of just deciding for itself all time. Still getting used to that.

Like I said; I remember how long it took me to learn the virtual keyboard on iOS back in 2007. I don't think it will take me that long to readjust but I am willing to take the time and adapt. I am also still learning new grips on the phone and going two handed much more.


Apr 4, 2012
Strange, I like the keyboard much more than the keyboard on iOS5. To each his own.

I found this too, i can type faster on the WP7 keyboard than I could on iOS or any Android keyboard I've used, including Swype, and I've found it to be much more accurate. The auto-correct on my phone works flawlessly too.

The keyboard is so accurate that I rarely need autocorrect, and when I do, I can usually type right through and it chooses the right word automatically without me even pausing or selecting the word. In the admittedly short time I've been using the phone (a week) I have not seen it autocorrect to the wrong word even ONCE.

Very impressive.

Could be that my typing style is different than yours though (my most recent phone was an Android, not iOS) it may take a little time for you to adjust, but I can assure you the keyboard is very very good.

I agree one handed typing is harder, on my phone (Lumia 900) at least, than on an iPhone, but I think that's due to the size of the phone itself.


New member
Nov 1, 2011
I'm fine with the WP7 keyboard, but I would love if it had haptic feedback.


New member
Nov 5, 2011
I personally like the on-screen keyboard for Windows Phone OS and iOS; I think I like Windows Phone keyboard a tiny bit better, but it's close. I know I like both A LOT better than the Android OS on-screen keyboard (and for that matter the physical keyboard on the webOS-powered Palm Pre 2).


New member
Apr 15, 2012
It definitely seems like it's a matter of expectations and what we're all used to. Seems like a lot of you appreciate that WP7 isn't overly hasty to autocorrect because excessive autocorrecting often leads to correcting to the wrong word. I'm of the mindset that appreciates bold autocorrecting because I feel like it helps me type faster. I do agree, accuracy on the WP7 keyboard is stellar and the word bar is definitely a nice feature compared to what the iPhone has to offer, but thus far, I'm still significantly slower with it. I appreciate the feedback guys!

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