Do I have virus on my Lumia? :/

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Not sure what you mean by this. This is how the browser displays JavaScript alerts.

Anyone can replicate this on your phone. Just create a favorite and paste this into the address box:

javascript:alert('omg virus!!!1')

Then open that from the favorites menu and you'll see it.

Sent from my HTC Trophy using Board Express

I mean I've never seen an auto popup ad, I've seen those alerts before.
Given the market share of Windows Phone I find it very difficult for WP specific viruses to spread.
If you want the smartphone equivalent of unprotected sex with street hookers, get an Android.

iOS and Windows Phone are more like a monogamous relationship with a faithful partner.

Hahahaha, although I guess that currently the iOS relationship would perhaps be a bit more exciting as there are more toys to play with!!!

My nokia lumia 720 when I slid the screen up to try work on it, itself start opening application. when typing a message it erase or keep closing the keyboard. so who ever says there is no virus on the Windows Phone please explain what could be there problem here? I can't even chat on whatsapp because when I try typing it opens the persons profile. please help. I did reset it to factory default it doesn't work it still comes up with the same problems.
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My nokia lumia 720 when I slid the screen up to try work on it, itself start opening application. when typing a message it erase or keep closing the keyboard. so who ever says there is no virus on the Windows Phone please explain what cloud be there problem here? I can't even chat on whatsapp because when I try typing it opens the persons profile. please help. I did reset it to factory default it doesn't work it still comes up with the same problems.

Your digitizer is gone has got some serious damages which lead to such a thing happening....i had a similar problem when my Lumia fell down the stairs.... Its a hardware problem and not a software its not a virus...

It's just an advertisement to download their software (which sometimes contains virus). And on the popup title, it usually says "Message from Webpage". So your phone haven't actually got a virus

Hi,I got a virus on my Nokia Lumia 520 and I searched on google <<best antiviruses for windows phone>> and I found this post and most of the repliers say that you can't get but I say you can but not from an app or game from Marketplace but you can from a website

Hi,I got a virus on my Nokia Lumia 520 and I searched on google <<best antiviruses for windows phone>> and I found this post and most of the repliers say that you can't get but I say you can but not from an app or game from Marketplace but you can from a website

you can't.
the most a website can really do is spam you with popup dialogs. solution: don't go there.

not trying to be closed-minded, but I have seen zero evidence to the contrary and know WP is hardly the most loose with permissions which is why i'm so sure.

more likely a coincidental defect or glitch in WP itself

My nokia lumia 720 when I slid the screen up to try work on it, itself start opening application. when typing a message it erase or keep closing the keyboard. so who ever says there is no virus on the Windows Phone please explain what could be there problem here? I can't even chat on whatsapp because when I try typing it opens the persons profile. please help. I did reset it to factory default it doesn't work it still comes up with the same problems.

Your screen is dead. Repair it or get a new phone.

Well. If you are so confident for virus issue than please share why the system folder is consuming 80% of the space. As soon as i delete any data to free up some space, System folder consumed it.

Kindly share remedial.
My Lumia 720 is running shortage of space even since i have deleted many apps....what to do now ?

If u keep a large amount of video files on your phone that are .mkv/flv (the like) and your phone can't recognise them as video files since playback is not native then you will have a large portion of your space taken up by "other" if you look up your storage.
I think I used storage cleanup to sort that out when I had my 720 but also are you on Lumia Black or Cyan?

You still have your system folder taking up 80% oof phone storage AFTER you removed apps???

"Others " Folder is empty. There is only 3 videos made on Lumia 720. Videos folder shows that space (550 mb) I am at Cyan. when ever i free the space, System Folder eat it up !
Some damn serious issue

That's one of those generic scare tactic messages that websites put up quite often.

Your Lumia does not have a virus. Beyond just the fact that it's a phone and not a PC it runs on the ARM platform, not on Win32 which would make it fairly difficult to get a virus that would actually work on it.

I was browsing and some weird message popped up saying that my phone was attacked by a deadly virus which was created by some american hackers and then it proceeded to open another add page of some sort. Do I need to be worried? If so what should I do?

I got that kind of issues on two brand new Windows 8 Phones, at the same time, after downloading and installing online tv apps. I'm convinced that there are no viruses, but would like to get rid of those persistent nagging screens telling me that my phones are infected and that I should download and install a virus removal tool which is actually coupled to a monthly subscription for something else. Those screens will not close or accept my "NO" inputs.
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