no problem I found q way to import contacts on live id , you need a pc for that.
go to and login with your stepdad apple id where had backed-up all his contacts , then click on contacts section. click on any contact to highlight it and then press ctrl+a to select all the contacts. Now you will be a settings icon (lower left side ) click on export Vcard and save the Vcard file.
since outlook uses CSV format to import we need to convert the download file (Vcard->CSV) , I use this website which converts the file online in seconds
Online vCard Converter
just browse the file you just downloaded and tap on convert. Now save that file.
last step go to and ask your dad to sign in, next click on Import contacts (on the front page ) then you will see some options from where you can import contacts from other sources , click on other (last option) now browse the CSV file we just converted and click on upload. Click on import and you will see all his icloud contacts syncing in Lumia 1020.
hope this helps you :smile: