Google mail is syncing but app tells me its not.

I'm confused. The app has an error message that says it cant sync mail when it can. Is it a bug?

Yeah I noticed that too. My mail is coming through on my 3 gmail accounts but in settings>email+accounts it says that they aren't up to date. No idea what is going on there. Sometimes my Microsoft account will update and other times it would say not up to date too.
Under email + accounts my gmail account is greyed out and says its syncing and hasn't changed all day...

Before the update I had this account turned off (it's my wife's) so its not even listed in the app list.

I tried to add the account again but it knew I already had it in the list.

I'm out of options, any suggestions?
No issues here with gmail sync of any sort..been syncing push since updating my 1520 this morning email calendars contacts all sync as i know cuz i use that as my main email, contact sync and calendar
Solved by: go to google account -> Advanced settings -> Calendar server (CalDAV) -> set it to ""

Works for me.
Thanks for the tip!

Note: it may seem obvious, but it took me a minute to realize that calendar syncing must be enabled for the "Calendar server (CalDAV)" setting to be configurable. So long as calendar syncing is not ticked, the CalDAV box remains greyed out.

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