Can't download apps


New member
Apr 16, 2014
Why can't I download apps for my Lumia 920? Since I switched to 8.1 I haven't been able to lock on to my hotmail. When I right down my password then this error shows itself: 800c0008, what can I do?
Same here, I am not able to install the fb app from microsoft
Other apps installing fine though
Error 80073cf6
Still can't download apps error code 800c0008 Lumia 820 or login Microsoft account please help Microsoft
can't download apps error code 800c0008 Lumia 520 or login Microsoft account please help
Hi Guys
I am also seeing similar issue with my lumia 720 phone. I am not able to download any app and I am ending up with the error 800c00008.
I don't understand why windows phone is released with full of BUGs. Additional feature with my phone is it freezes/hangs all the time. Nokia care could not help me on that. I even gone for installing Cyan and erased all my memory and uninstalled all the possible apps. Still that hanging problem did not go. After Cyan update, I got this new problem, I cannot install any app now.

Windows trying to put all hard blocks by selling very poor quality software for expensive price. I don't understand why Microsoft is defaming itself.

Please don't be hurry in releasing softwares with full of bugs. It ultimately hits you back.

Thank you.
hey thanks man..even i had the same problem ...i was not able to download any app and i turned my data sense off and it worked..
Wow, the world is coming to an end because MS releases software with bugs in it.

Hopefully turning off data sense solves the problem. If not for all, try a soft reset and give it another go. If that doesn't work, maybe a hard reset.

By the way, a setting does not constitute a bug.

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