Whatsapp notification problem

I'd say it's borked again. Worked flawlessly on my 620 running WP8.1 up until last week or so, then the infamous notification problem came back. Was actually nice getting WA notifications constantly in real time for once. Oh well...
If you are having notification problem just try this...

I never faced any notification problem in WP 7.5/7.8/8/8.1 in whatsapp public as well as private beta version but last week when the music app update came my battery was very low but i started to update the music app and was using whatsapp simultaneously and the phone go switched off.

I charged the phone and updated the music app after powering it back but the notification for whatsapp stopped and sometimes it came late and i never faced this issue in last 2 yrs.. other than hard reset i did everything but nothing seems to work and notification didnt come properly..

I was using whatsapp private beta app and i wanted to check whether in public version notification was coming and installed that app also in the phone. Beta app was running in the background and i opened the public app and signed in and went back to the Beta app and it got signed out and asked me to verify the account again and i verified the account in beta app again and notification started to work as usual without any delays.

I know most of you wont be using beta app but try to do with some other phone. Open your whatsapp app in WP and sign in with your number in some other phone and the whatsapp in your windows phone will sign out and ask you to verify the account.. verify it again and check whether notification is proper.. it worked for me so it might solve your problem if you are lucky..
I have noticed that the notifications in whatsapp are working good in the morning, but later in the afternoon its rubbish again... For a few days now. Lumia925, wp8.1 the Netherlands. Is it just me? Or are other users experiancing the same?
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I have noticed that the notifications in whatsapp are working good in the morning, but later in the afternoon its rubbish again... For a few days now. Lumia925, wp8.1 the Netherlands. Is it just me? Or are other users experiancing the same?

Same here but today seems to be fine for me.
Same here. This morning it was ok, now it s broken again

Sent from my RM-821_eu_spain_435 using Tapatalk
Same here. Been broken since last wednesday. Sometimes its working couple hours between morning and afternoon and then stops again.
Have got the same problem here, notifications late by a few hours and the worst one was 26 hours late! Lol. Wth is happening with WhatsApp...
Facing the same problem since last couple of days. Contacted WhatsApp support with the issue and all they could point out was the problems with my internet connection and MPNS. Pretty annoyed with the feedback.
Same here, it was working ok til a couple of days, I get a 30 min or more of delay, I believe wechat also is slow on notify.
FB Messenger works fine.

Lumia 1520 with 8.1 :(
It might not even be a Whatsapp problem. It was working fine when I first installed Windows Phone 8.1, I was even impressed at how fast the notifications came through and then suddenly it stopped working.

Remember some months ago, way before Windows Phone 8.1 people were having issues with Whatsapp and it was something to do with the Windows push notification servers, when Microsoft fixed it the notifications went back to normal. My brother's Windows Phone is still on 8.0 and his notifications are fine.

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