Interesting Bug xD


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Dec 12, 2013
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Hey, anyone found any interesting bugs that are not annoying?

I found one like a month ago... You know when you press and hold the back button you go into multitask view? If you time it properly, and press hold + press, you will maintain at the same screen, but there's a short pseudo animation. Press and hold for around 0.5s, then press back again to cancel it and you will see that. From what I tested, you can do that several times, but once your timing is off, you will start from scratch.

After you do that, then you hold back, nothing will happen for the first time. Then if you press and hold back for the second time, you will go into multitasking view, you will see you of the same screen there. Instead of going to the multitasking screen, you can do that again. And again.

I find this a bit fin to do, especially when I'm bored lol. I am not sure if this is device specific or everyone with 8.1... Only have a Lumia 520.

Please let me know if it works for you 😊😊


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Dec 12, 2013
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Ikr... Hard to type on a phone lol. Sorry for that, you have any idea how to post a photo here on a phone?.

Btw, if you do that for two times, there will be two same screen in the multitasking view. Three times and you get three, and vice versa. Works on all screen I think.


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Apr 7, 2013
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Same problem in my Lumia too.

Right now I have bigger concern that Camera is not working. Might need a reset to solve I think.

I think MS love duplicate triplicate bug.(In WP8 it was pics and music)
Anyway it's a preview and not optimized properly.
So what do you expect


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Dec 12, 2013
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Same problem in my Lumia too.

Right now I have bigger concern that Camera is not working. Might need a reset to solve I think.

I think MS love duplicate triplicate bug.(In WP8 it was pics and music)
Anyway it's a preview and not optimized properly.
So what do you expect

Personally if the camera have issues, I wouldn't hesitate about resetting it, can't live without one. Not really expecting a bug-free environment, especially if the bugs are interesting and fun (not the camera one though). Though arguably this version of OS is the final version already. Unless, your understanding of "final version" is based on bug-free and no future updates. In which, no OS is final (except for those that have support already dropped :wink:)


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Apr 7, 2013
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Personally if the camera have issues, I wouldn't hesitate about resetting it, can't live without one. Not really expecting a bug-free environment, especially if the bugs are interesting and fun (not the camera one though). Though arguably this version of OS is the final version already. Unless, your understanding of "final version" is based on bug-free and no future updates. In which, no OS is final (except for those that have support already dropped :wink:)

Camera isn't my thing. A smartphone without camera is totally ok for me.

It's been 16 months since I purchased this phone and use camera 6-10 times only. And all are for testing new camera app.

I knew about my camera when I was checking Levitagram.

Right now I am playing few games and reset will ruined my fun because I have start all over again.


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Oct 2, 2013
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1. open multitask, press other app except current open app and quickly swipe to left/right, it will show opening current app for less than 1 sec than quickly change to second app
2. A) open multitask, press current app and then quickly press back, it will show current app page and then a zoom in current app page in the same time
B) open multitask, when it opened then spam press back, it will show current app page and then a zoom in current app page in the same time

i forgot if 2 is A or B, and it works well on start screen, i dont have my nokia lumia 520 right now


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Dec 12, 2013
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1. open multitask, press other app except current open app and quickly swipe to left/right, it will show opening current app for less than 1 sec than quickly change to second app
2. A) open multitask, press current app and then quickly press back, it will show current app page and then a zoom in current app page in the same time
B) open multitask, when it opened then spam press back, it will show current app page and then a zoom in current app page in the same time

i forgot if 2 is A or B, and it works well on start screen, i dont have my nokia lumia 520 right now

I was able to reproduce #1... Quite interesting! Thanks for the input! :smile:

The second however I wasn't able to reproduce it, could you give a more detailed explanation?


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Jun 17, 2014
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Haha! Thanks for sharing this with us. We (WinPh Dev's) need to keep close tab on bugs in operating system. I hope that this bug will be removed after the Cyan update scheduled in early weeks of July.

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