Will U Leave WP if Final WP8.1 would be the same as WP8.1 DEV PRV?

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New member
Nov 14, 2008
Another chance? It ain't out yet.
But yep, if WP 8.1 release is the same as current DP, I'll be Nexus-ing next month.

Chris Moore12

New member
May 9, 2014
I'd like to know what it is that makes people want to leave?

I have come from Android to iOS to Windows Phone and still use an iPhone 5 and now a Lumia 1520.

8.1 is a huge leap and a solid platform now, I would not (apart from a few apps) go back to using iOS 7 or 8.

Battery issues I am sure will be resolved with manufacturer updates like Cyan when it is ready, I don't see how people get so worked up about the Dev preview when that's exactly what it is - A PREVIEW! Flash back to Window Phone 8.0 and wait for the solid, official release and hopefully you will have a better experience and be less worked up about how your phone is treating you :)


New member
Sep 7, 2013
@Thread starter:
That's kinda absurd question.
You are trying to reason your judgement on leaving the wp ecosystem or to not based on the replies?


New member
Dec 5, 2011
What are you expecting to change from developer's preview to final besides bug fixes?

8.1 is a great leap forward since 8.0 and if Microsoft keeps this momentum up Windows Phone will be a wonderful OS in the near future.


Active member
Nov 10, 2013
I Will leave and give iOS 8 another chance

Sent from Tapatalk

More power to you...luckily Mobile Nations has iMore forums for you to participate 😊

From what I saw at WWDC two days ago, iOS is getting more cluttered and incoherent. It seems like they are trying to copy everything and everyone at the same time...


New member
May 13, 2013
Absolutely have no intention of leaving! I'm fully aware that a Beta is a significant portion of the full release ( strange question you ask).
With that said, I'm eagerly looking forward to more enhancements & features as this wonderful OS matures even further.


New member
Jan 4, 2013
OP, the final release is very likely to be the same as dev preview, they will fix a bunch of bugs and improve stability, but they won't be releasing new features, the only thing I see maybe Cortana going out of beta and hitting a global release, but I doubt that will be soon.

I'm sticking with WP8.1 for the time being. I liked iOS8, but you gotta keep the hardware in mind as well.

So to sum it up, I think you are expecting way too much from a final WP8.1 release if you think there will be new features and you are also packing a little too early as we don't know what the new iphones will look like. Personally if a larger phone isn't released by Apple I wouldn't even consider switching regardless of the OS updates.


New member
Dec 14, 2010
The Dev preview is feature final already. I don't expect anything other than bugfixes before the official release with the updated firmware. The updated firmware should smooth out a lot of the issue seem to be having with touch and battery life.

I've got a Nexus 5 and a Lumia 920 that I already switch between. For most of the 8.1 preview I've been using the Nexus, once I get an updated firmware I'll switch back to the 920 for awhile.


New member
Jan 4, 2013
I'd like to know what it is that makes people want to leave?

Fair question, the OS is great, but still far from perfect.

Xbox music app is still underperforming and lacking basic features like proper shuffle for example even though it has been updated a number of times. MS promised regular updates and have so far been sticking with the schedule, but I personally think they aren't moving fast enough given how far back they've set everyone with the new Xbox music app.

The mail client needs a serious update and I was actually shocked that it didn't receive it as part of 8.1. I still can't attach documents and the photos I attach get resized automatically. This is with MS trying to push for enterprise...

The app situation is improving but still has a ways to to, many official apps are lagging behind their equivalents on other platforms. The facebook app that MS is working on still has a long way to go, Skype is still bulky, slow and still sucks with notifications from time to time. I'm glad we finally received a Whatsapp update after waiting for months.

I'm not trying to knock WP, I really like the OS, just being honest about its current state. As much as MS has done I still think they aren't moving fast enough to catch-up with Android and iOS.

David P2

New member
Mar 10, 2014
It's the full release of the OS. What is missing, is the firmware which is provided by the handset manufacturers. Put the two together and you will have a complete experience. This has been documented elsewhere on this site and stated many times.

We might get one or two more bug-fix updates in between now and when firmware is released but what we have now is complete, as far as the OS is concerned. The only thing that doesn't make it complete is the lack of firmware update.
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