Maps not saving to SD Card??


New member
Dec 25, 2009
Apologies if this has been recently discussed, but up until my 1520 was updated to 8.1 a few days ago, I had all of the USA maps saved to my phone. Now, using storage sense, I deleted it from my phone, and tried to re-download it to my SD card. I did everything right, as far as I know,


when all was said and downloaded, the maps are once again showing up as saved to my phone and nothing on the SD card. What gives???
Have you used the Lumia Storage Checker Beta by any chance? That supported downloading maps to the SD card (you had to delete them from the phone first).
Have you used the Lumia Storage Checker Beta by any chance? That supported downloading maps to the SD card (you had to delete them from the phone first).

Quick answer is no - what/where is the Lumia Storage Checker Beta? This storage sense seems to "support" it just fine, except when I download the maps to the sd card it downloads them to the phone instead.
It's in the store somewhere still, despite the fact it's beta programme has now ended. It was supplemental to the storage checker in 8.0, except it had a couple more features in (like the maps thing). Aside from that it was functionally identical, and was an actual app and not live in settings.
It's in the store somewhere still, despite the fact it's beta programme has now ended. It was supplemental to the storage checker in 8.0, except it had a couple more features in (like the maps thing). Aside from that it was functionally identical, and was an actual app and not live in settings.

I'll try that right now, but either way am I the only one having this issue? I mean when I started, there was 3.89 GB of maps on my phone, and 0 on my card, I deleted it, it went to 0 (or 9mb or some negligible number), then I went into SD card and downloaded it again and after all that, the 3.89 GB is back on my phone, and SD card still has 0, but now when I go to either phone or SD card and press the "manage" and then "download maps" buttons for each, the USA maps show up as downloaded. I'm VERY confused, and even if this other app works, it goes without saying that this seems to be a bug in the storage sense that needs to be fixed.
Far as I can tell "Storage check beta" has to be installed to manage map storage on SD.
I killed it off on my 521 and my USA map ended up on the phone.
So back to storage check for me...Lumia storage check beta | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)

Great. Gotta love how Windows Phone still manages to mess crap up like this. At least my music info doesn't disappear everytime my phone turns off now...yet....

I'll post this to the bugs thread. And I'll update once the 4gb download through this other app actually downloaded the apps to the sd card...
Using the Lumia Storage Checker App, I was able to save my maps to my SD card, although the maps are 5.01GB on the card when they were 3.89gb on the phone. And the App shows different numbers for the sizes of things like apps and free space than the storage sense. (According to Lumia Storage Check, I have 139mb of apps on my phone. On Storage Sense, 301.86mb.)

And I shouldn't have to use an old app that storage sense was supposed to in part replace in order to do something that storage sense is supposed to do.

Glad to see Windows is keeping it's commitment to infuriating their customers no matter how much else they improve/innovate on....

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