What do members think about WP 8.1 so far?


New member
Apr 13, 2013
As the title says -- What do members think about WP 8.1 so far?

For me it's okay but there are a few things that make it look sloppy, like it's been rushed. For example, go to battery saver > usage > click any app. Underneath the "Allow app to run in background toggle" it says "Turning this off will disable some app features, but can increase battery life." -- on mine, the whole sentence is squashed together. It's like someone couldn't be bothered to equally space each line like the rest.

Also, the font size are different sizes, depending which menu you are in within the phone. To me it looks awful -- I would have thought small text (not headers) would be all the same size throughout the phone. I mean, come on if this was a website or article etc, it wouldn't be acceptable having different size text? I know I sound like I'm nit picking (or it's my OCD), but my eyes can not accept such amateur looking things like this -- Microsoft are supposed to be trying to entice users from other OS's, not scare them away!
Nonetheless, the extra functions are a blessing, but Microsoft really needs to fix silly little things like these, so it looks like a polished OS.

What do other members think about the varying sizes in text's? Or is there anything else they have noticed that looks out of place?
Doesn't bother me. I'm not a prude like that. It works the way I want and it looks great to me. Its got style.
Okay mate thanks for your answer as I agree it does work, but I'd hardly say it's 'got style' -- I think that's pushing the boat out a little too far, considering the mish mash in font sizes.
I think 8.1 is a bit rough on the edges when it comes to design. I can complain about it, though. The new "back" animation for the Start screen is just pleasing to the eyes.

My problems in Windows Phone deal with the hubs.
Thanks WanderTraveler, I definitely agree with you in regards to rough around the edges and hubs.

For example, the photo hub looks a mess without the background pic. At the surface WP 8 looks beautiful -- like a model in a Versace dress. When you go deeper into menu's it's awful -- like undressing the model and finding she has granny knickers from WalMart.

I bought into WP 8 because it looked beautiful, which made it look different from anything else. Unfortunately, now it's distinctive features and artistic expression has been lost.

If Microsoft wants WP 8 to compete with IOS, they need to learn from Apple what style actually is. At present, it looks like it's going down the Android route.
Thanks WanderTraveler, I definitely agree with you in regards to rough around the edges and hubs.

For example, the photo hub looks a mess without the background pic. At the surface WP 8 looks beautiful -- like a model in a Versace dress. When you go deeper into menu's it's awful -- like undressing the model and finding she has granny knickers from WalMart.

I bought into WP 8 because it looked beautiful, which made it look different from anything else. Unfortunately, now it's distinctive features and artistic expression has been lost.

If Microsoft wants WP 8 to compete with IOS, they need to learn from Apple what style actually is. At present, it looks like it's going down the Android route.
Yeah, look at the XBOX Music app, too. It feels empty, even when compared to the WP8 app.

The Files app isn't exactly something I'd look to for inspiration when it comes to design, too.

I like what they've done with Folders in WP8.1 U1, though. Fantastic design.
Yeah, look at the XBOX Music app, too. It feels empty, even when compared to the WP8 app.

The Files app isn't exactly something I'd look to for inspiration when it comes to design, too.

I like what they've done with Folders in WP8.1 U1, though. Fantastic design.

Yes I totally agree mate. Also, now the games are in the app list as well as the Games Hub -- I don't get it, it's like who ever was in charge didn't think things through properly. Maybe, they were trying to do what Apple are good at, and that's providing functions that other OS's have. However, the difference is Apple seem to always nail it, unlike Microsoft who seem to be back tracking on certain things lately. To me that is not a clear vision, which implies they don't have confidence in what they do.

Also, what was the point in having 8.1 preview, if people didn't even notice things like the point I raised in regards to unevenly spaced lines of text and a mish mash in text sizes. It might be okay to some of the WP8 community, but what about potential customers? I think if the WP8 community want it to be successful, they need stop defending Microsoft when valid points are raised.

Furthermore, I would put a hefty amount of money down, that Apple fans would notice things like this -- no matter how small and prudish it may seem to others. Maybe, that's why IOS is such a success because nothing is overlooked -- you know the saying "the devil is in the detail".
The only complaint I have are all related to the hubs, especially the Music Hub, while it gets better in every update, it's still not good enough compared to the 8.0 music app. Also, the picture library is a bit too dull compared to the old one. I love seeing my favorite pic every time I open the picture hub, or see the photo/video update on social media, and now it just simply take me straight to the album. And the last is the People Hub, it lose the FB chat integration and social media notification used to be shown in the 'Me' Tile, and it's a cool feature, though I rarely use FB chat and I won't miss a notification even if it's not shown in the Me Tile anymore.
Excellent, just need interactive notification toast, tiles and interactive notifications in the action center, should in case you missed a toast, and an Xbox music app with live tile
One of the nicest, most practical and useful features of the update for me is the Brightness profile and quick access to the brightness toggle in the notification center. Before 8.1, I used to manually select the brightness level twice a day, by going through settings > Brightness. in the morning I always set it to high, then at night in bed I would put it to low, then automatic.

The brightness profile has enable me to customize the settings for each level to my liking. My Low setting profile is at the minimum possible, Medium is just about in the middle between half-brightness and lowest, at High is at the maximum. (Wish there were numbers attached to the slider).
The only complaint I have are all related to the hubs, especially the Music Hub, while it gets better in every update, it's still not good enough compared to the 8.0 music app. Also, the picture library is a bit too dull compared to the old one. I love seeing my favorite pic every time I open the picture hub, or see the photo/video update on social media, and now it just simply take me straight to the album. And the last is the People Hub, it lose the FB chat integration and social media notification used to be shown in the 'Me' Tile, and it's a cool feature, though I rarely use FB chat and I won't miss a notification even if it's not shown in the Me Tile anymore.

Totally agree mate, I loved looking at pics in the background -- now it has no soul just like other OS's.

-Let me set a custom audio file for text messages (and everything else).

-Allows me to install apps to my 64GB SDcard (I now have ~100 apps and games as opposed to the 30 or so I could fit in my 8GB of internal space).

-Added the action center, which eliminates the small window of time in which toasts used to be actionable. 8.0 had the issue of toast notifications popping up and leaving, never to be seen again, so if you didn't get to your phone in time... The action center also removes the necessity of having to keep a tile for every single app you want to receive updates for, giving more room for personalization without sacrificing functionality.

-Gave apps access to shared storage on both internal and SDcard. This fixed a critical flaw in the 8.0 operating logic. Say you downloaded a 2GB movie with one app- it would be saved to the device's internal storage inside the app's isolated store. In order to watch that movie, the app you used to download it would have to support "opening" files through the system- seems obvious but every app has a use case the developer might not have initially envisioned and burdening developers with enabling such basic functionality is a bad idea. Assuming the app in question had the ability to launch files, the system would have to copy the 2GB video from the app's isolated store to the video player's isolated store. There is no progress bar for this- the phone just freezes until the copy finishes. And the end result is you have the 2GB movie in two places- taking up 4GB of *internal* space, since writing to the SDcard isn't allowed. If you downloaded a 2GB movie and only have 1.5GB of space left, you cannot watch the movie. So to summarize: in WP8.0, in order to open any file, you must have at least twice the size of the file in free space. Since 8.1 gave apps file access to shared areas, an app can just write the downloaded movie to the downloads folder, and a video player app can just read the file straight from that same folder.

As far as I'm concerned, 8.1 made *HUGE* strides in fixing internal operating logic and increasing the overall usability of the system. Many people don't seem to appreciate the huge gaps that were filled in.

My take on xbox music-The new xbox music has actual playlist queue management, which the old one didn't. As far as I am concerned, it's an improvement upon the old one. The initial release was slow, but now it's fast and stable, and I have no complaints. Everyone in the wpcentral community is up in arms about it for some reason I don't really understand- I get it some of you miss the hubs but is the lack of one auxiliary feature really worth the hate it gets? Even so, it's one of hundreds of music apps in the store. If you don't like it, simply choose another. Why is it such a big deal?

I wish games weren't jumbled into the apps list, but then again half the developers didn't actually put their game under "games" so at least now there's one coherent, consistent list. And with the GDR1 folders I rarely venture into the apps list.
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Agreed link. I suspect if you are the "fault-finding" can't see the forest for the trees type of person, you'll find it because its all you look for. My WP has style. With folders it has even more style about it. I can't wait to get Cyan on my 920 to see what other goodness Redmond is putting in this OS. The rest is about what apps I use and the support they get. Beyond that, this phone stays in its pouch collecting email or ringing when someone calls. Its why I got it in the first place.
link68759 -- thank you very much for your very in-depth and knowledgeable comment.

Also, you have totally made sense by explaining your point if view, in such an eloquent way -- much appreciated mate 😉
Agreed link. I suspect if you are the "fault-finding" can't see the forest for the trees type of person, you'll find it because its all you look for. My WP has style. With folders it has even more style about it. I can't wait to get Cyan on my 920 to see what other goodness Redmond is putting in this OS. The rest is about what apps I use and the support they get. Beyond that, this phone stays in its pouch collecting email or ringing when someone calls. Its why I got it in the first place.

Eh? Mate now you are trying to imply that I'm a pessimistic person, which I'm not. End of the day " a spades a spade, a shovel's a shovel", and if I see something that doesn't look right I say. Furthermore, what I am, is a person who has an eye for detail -- is there anything wrong with that, as you guess I'm not in your book?

Funnily enough, you say you haven't even got Cyan -- which I have on my L920, by the way -- but what makes you think there will be anything extra from the preview? Or have you even got the preview on your 920?

Please don't think I'm being a d@ck, I'm genuinely interested because I can't really understand by your last comment, if you have 8.1 on a L920 or another phone?
Eh? Mate now you are trying to imply that I'm a pessimistic person, which I'm not. End of the day " a spades a spade, a shovel's a shovel", and if I see something that doesn't look right I say. Furthermore, what I am, is a person who has an eye for detail -- is there anything wrong with that, as you guess I'm not in your book?

Funnily enough, you say you haven't even got Cyan -- which I have on my L920, by the way -- but what makes you think there will be anything extra from the preview? Or have you even got the preview on your 920?

Please don't think I'm being a d@ck, I'm genuinely interested because I can't really understand by your last comment, if you have 8.1 on a L920 or another phone?

Ok, I won't think you are being a d@ck. But this must be your Obsessive Compulsive Disorder talking again because all I did was agree with your own assessment. You say Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, which I understand to be ' an anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce uneasiness, apprehension, fear or worry' which you have, according to you, I say fault-finding. You asked the question, "what did we think about 8.1 GDR1"? My comment is WP has STYLE. Now you want to investigate what phone(s) I have. I have to wonder about your commitment to your original question. Are you interested in the opinion of GDR 8.1 or is it as I suspect, another thread to throw stones at my WP?
Ok, I won't think you are being a d@ck. But this must be your Obsessive Compulsive Disorder talking again because all I did was agree with your own assessment. You say Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, which I understand to be ' an anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce uneasiness, apprehension, fear or worry' which you have, according to you, I say fault-finding. You asked the question, "what did we think about 8.1 GDR1"? My comment is WP has STYLE. Now you want to investigate what phone(s) I have. I have to wonder about your commitment to your original question. Are you interested in the opinion of GDR 8.1 or is it as I suspect, another thread to throw stones at my WP?

Jesus Christ the OCD bit was a joke -- over analysing too much. You seem to be rather passive-aggressive mate -- chill out.

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