How can the glance feature be enabled on lumia 730 ?

Anjani Kumar Thakur

New member
Oct 28, 2014
Lumia 730 has all the hardware specifications needed for the glance feature but it has not got it can any one suggest when it will be avialable or any third party app?
Lumia 730 has all the hardware specifications needed for the glance feature but it has not got it can any one suggest when it will be avialable or any third party app?
it can't get glance. OLED is not the same as AMOLED. OLED screens have little display memory730/930) so they can't have glance. AMOLED(1020925,820) have enough display memory for glance. OLED and AMOLED are not the same.
Glance has nothing to do with OLED and AMOLED it must have clear back technology......

I think it will be coming on next update..............................................
It has absolutely nothing, zero, nada to do with clear black technology. The display needs memory and the 730's display doesn't have any. Period.
lol... there, we did it. Now we've made almost every contradictory claim we can, so you now have no idea what to believe. ;-)

Firstly, the L730 does not and never will support glance.

Second, supporting Glance requires something called display memory. This is the capability for a display to remember what it should display without requiring a GPU and a backing frame buffer to drive it. This allows the display to show something while allowing most of the phone to remain in a low power state. This is what the 730's display lacks.

Lastly, display memory is completely unrelated to and independent of any other display related technology. This has absolutely nothing to do with OLED vs. AMOLED vs. LCD or Nokia's ClearBlack polarizing filters. Nothing. Any display can have display memory, but such displays are notably more expensive.
lol... there, we did it. Now we've made almost every contradictory claim we can, so you now have no idea what to believe. ;-)

Firstly, the L730 does not and never will support glance.

Second, supporting Glance requires something called display memory. This is the capability for a display to remember what it should display without requiring a GPU and a backing frame buffer to drive it. This allows the display to show something while allowing most of the phone to remain in a low power state. This is what the 730's display lacks.

Lastly, display memory is completely unrelated to and independent of any other display related technology. This has absolutely nothing to do with OLED vs. AMOLED vs. LCD or Nokia's ClearBlack polarizing filters. Nothing. Any display can have display memory, but such displays are notably more expensive.
So basically because the phone has a OLED(cheap) display it can't have glance.
So basically because the phone has a OLED(cheap) display it can't have glance.

I just don't like that way of describing it. It's not that it can't. Technically, it can.

There is no reason an OLED display can't support display memory and Glance. It would just be a very strange decision to make, like wanting to pair a 200 hp motor with a Chevy Spark. It just goes against the economic goals that were set for a device like the 730.
The 730 doesn't have Glance for the same reason the 930/Icon doesn't have Glance- no display memory. You could add display memory, and therefore Glance, to any kind of screen. AMOLED, OLED, LCD, doesn't matter. Hell, you could do it with a CRT if you wanted to.
Lol I'm surprised no one is actually angry at nokia for this. Nokia are being cheap so they used cheap displays for greater profit
Lol I'm surprised no one is actually angry at nokia for this. Nokia are being cheap so they used cheap displays for greater profit

And yet Nokia still operated at a loss...

We'd also have to be raging mad at Apple, where such behaviour is far more extreme. Compared to Apple Nokia's margins are very fair.

I suspect Nokia just couldn't order such a display in the quantities necessary to make it a viable option.
Lol I'm surprised no one is actually angry at nokia for this. Nokia are being cheap so they used cheap displays for greater profit

its not necessarily being cheap.
I dont know how much would have to be ponied up for a suitable display.
whatever it was, it was probably deemed not-worth-it just for one feature many people might not miss. (Glance is a must-have for many Nokia users, but its something plenty dont use with other phones)

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