Lumia 640 XL. Speaker crackling with certain frequencies.. is it normal ?


New member
Jul 17, 2014

My Lumia 640 XL sound crackles with certain frequencies. It is not with all sound that I play in it.. But for some sounds.. I have tried checking four Lumia 640 XL's for this issue and all of them had this crackle in certain frequencies. So my query, is it normal for the crackling of Lumia 640 XL with certain frequencies? and if its a hardware (speaker) problem, does it crackle with every sound ? Im a little bit worried.

Ref: Microsoft Lumia 640 XL Dual Sim, only 3 days old :)

Hoping for a reply. Thanks :smile:

Ps. How to diagnose that my speaker is perfect.. any app ? Thanks :)
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Actual no idea but if 4 of them do the same it looks like it's "normal" for this device.
Could you also compare it with another phone like the 830 or 930 or connect it to a external speaker or headphone to compare.

I do not think there is an app to really check the speaker quality.
You have to use your hearing or use a good recording device with a analyzer or find some reviews where they tested the sound quality.

And what is a perfect speaker. I think this is device (hardware/price) related.
Or in other words I would be very surprised (and disappointed) if a 640 XL would have better speakers than my 930.
Hi.. I've checked with two Lumia 535's and this issue is still there.. But I couldn't get Lumia 830 or 930 to test this.. Brother, shall I be more descriptive about my issue ? would You please check it, if you have time, ie. when I play this song for example " " and the speaker volume of my XL set to full, and at the opening part of this song, and if we hold the XL speaker near to our ear, I could easily hear the crackling. If You dont mind could you please check it with yours ? Thank You.. :)

ps: dont know how to hide video preview here :P
I played this video in my 640xl and it does. So irritating:angry::angry:. I contacted windows phone help today and they told me that they have been getting this complaint from other 640xl users as well. Told me to perform a hard reset.
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dear I too have the same problem,even I have changed my first phone by saying damage ringer and today got the new fresh piece,but still the same problem .After going through all setting finally came to an conclusion that there is problem with its equilizer settings,Just go to audio and set custom settings where just lower the bass level and your problem will solved.Hope it would help you.
Hi Nirmal,

I just bought a Lumia 640 XL LTE and i too have noticed the crakling of the rear speaker. It is most noticeable when you use speakerphone during a call and raise the volume past 7. Also on some audio content on youtube etc involving speech. However, my understanding says that it is not a hardware problem. It sounds like a problem due to audio compression in the content being played. You see the rear speaker on the 640 xl is a bit overbright (shriller) when compared to other phones either due to the audio circuit and its software tuning or due to the characteristics of the speaker driver. But, it is brighter in a good sense, it sounds more vivid and clear.

However, the downside seems to be that when we play compressed sound(youtube or speakerphone call) and the audio circuit tries to amplify it, the sound starts clipping or crackling. I can think of this because it never seems to happen with high bitrate mp3 files stored in your phone, they all seem to work fine.

But all of this is just my thought, i don't know if i am right or wrong. Please check the speakerphone call and let me know if you also have the same issue.
I am also facing this crackling sound problem.......on my Lumia 1320 and 625.....especially while WhatsApp or Skype calls and for some YouTube videos.

And its noticeable while playing "some" mp3 files......but some not.....but it isn't happen when I connected to external speakers......

I have contacted Nokia care centre for this.....but they said it may be due to weak speakers or its for certain frequencies....and nothing can be done for that..
Hey! Yes there is of course a bug in Lumia 640 XL for low frequency...As far as I could diagnose you just can bring the frequency of 400 in your equalizer to nullified level I.e. no more bars at 400 frequency...And problem thus can be resolved...we are actually cutting the roots that is generating noise..but this certainly will help!!

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