Is there a way to remove Facebook icon from People Hub?


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Jan 25, 2013
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Yes, I also wish never to see the facebook logo on the people live title
I have uninstall the facebook app, is there by default arrggg...
Windows 8 Nokia 920
I do have a facebook account and never will,

did you find a way to remove it



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Jul 26, 2011
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(dang...that is a big screen shot, haha)

It would help if you gave everyone an example. here is part of a screen shot I just took. I have FB, I have ~400 friends (for those saying it doesn't pop up often) and I had to wait about 15 seconds before I first saw it.

I don't MIND it...but I don't think it cycles through enough photos anyway....but I also think I just notice certain photos more than others since they will have colors that really stand out.


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Apr 27, 2012
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Wow, just wow. Is the sky falling? Is that why everyone is so hot and bothered about this? ****, the Facebook icon looks 100x better than the majority of my friends profile pics. People need to chillllll. At least Windows Phone HAS a People Hub!


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Oct 11, 2011
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Honestly I think it's as simple as this:

  • Microsoft owns part of Facebook
  • Windows Phone is a socially-centric phone - that's why we have such deep social integration compared to other platforms
  • The icon is just there as a reminder that "Hey, this is where you can see all the social stuff about all of your contacts"
  • They use the Facebook logo rather than Twitter or LinkedIn as it is the most internationally recognized

You really need to get over it - it's not that big a deal is it???????


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Mar 4, 2013
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This used to grind my gears too but after installing the latest Nokia update (3050.0000.133x.10xx), I no longer see the Facebook icon on the people hub live tile.


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Jul 26, 2011
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Yes, is that the "Black" update from Nokia? My current build (starts 3046....) still has the logo. But I will say after 3 years of it being there on the People Tile I barely notice it, haha.


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May 13, 2014
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Any updates?

Why is there no way to remove the Facebook icon? I don't have any family, and only a few friends, so that stupid icon keeps popping up.


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May 16, 2014
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I never had this problem on my Lumia1020 until I reset it a week or so ago. Then I had it, the ubiquitous facebook icon cycling in my people hub. Half the reason I even keep this thing is for the camera or the aesthetics of windows phones because otherwise the lack of app support makes me want to sell it on glyde. Anyway I have a crazy but cool work around that some people may have interest in.
This may belong in another section but here goes:
-First thing you need is App Folder, it will allow you to make a transparent folder any size, in this case the only size anyone is really concering is medium, the wide tile is stupid for people hub and the small tile does not have the problem, now go into app folder and create a folder it dosent matter what app you put in it you can take that app out once you put in what im explaining. Pin the app folder to your start screen. Now go download an app that makes/customizes tiles, I used group tiles, so download group tiles, and start making 8 small tiles and make them trans or non transparent. Your pick. Your making 8 because app folder is a 9 section folder and you want one of those sections to be the real people hub shrunk down to where no facebook icon is seen. I tend to be pretty creative with problem solving on a windows phone lol, make sure to pin the small tiles you make in group tiles one by one to your start screen and drag and drop them into the app folder already on your start screen, take out the random app you used to create the app folder and put in people hub that?s also already on your start screen and simple drag it into the app folder, re arrange your letters or pictures however you want to spell something or just pictures of your contacts, you can probably flip these somehow but I didn?t care to explore enough into that.
-Here is a link to a video of the finished project if you need more visual, hope this helps.
(the ending helps a little with showing how group tiles looks.)

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