I had such a problem on my 520. I have about 4000 troll photos on my computer and wanted them copied to my phone. When I did copy them to my SD card on my phone via cable, that was the beginning of my nightmare. Photos in one albums were duplicated, triplicated and there's this instance where a certain photo had about 40 copies. What's the word for that? Fortriplicated?
Anyway, I had to eject the mem card, format it then try copying it directly on the computer before putting it back to my phone. This time, my phone did not display the photos at once but there was an 'updating' bar just above the photos hub page that was progressing so slowly, it was like downloading a 1080p video using gprs. When it did, the top most photos show just fine, but as you go down, they started duplicating. And voila, 2GB of my 'other' storage was gone! I haven't got the amber update yet, I hear it's supposed to fix that 'other' storage bug. Also on my mem card space bar, it should that I had -688000000bytes of other storage. I was worried and formatted it again.
After adding the photos again, some more 1.5GB of my phone memory went again to the 'other' pit but this time, it said all my albums were empty even the camera roll. Even after taking new photos, the camera roll album still read: 'it's lonely in here'
I tried restarting the phone but nothing. And now I was faced with another problem, I had 166kb of free memory left in the phone.
I didn't hang myself though, I just decided to hard reset my phone. I backed up everything I had but still lost all my apps, some text messages and all whatsapp messages. And the fact that windows phone does not allow you to save whatsapp audio and videos... I lost some pretty good content there. Damn you windows phone.
So now I've changed my memory card and using the windows phone app for windows 8 on my laptop and it copied just fine. My 'other' storage is just fine. Thanks God I keep my music on my iPod otherwise this nightmare would be worse.
So people, use that app to sync your stuff. It work fine for even music. MS just had to copy the iPhone and show us how awesome Apple is. Don't forget to uncheck Xbox music sync.
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