Do you have random battery drain

Boris Lozac

New member
Aug 10, 2013
Share your experiences if you had this happening and preferably what device do you have.

I have it aproximately every 10 days and still not sure where the problem is.. (Lumia 520)
Re: Do you have random battery drainage

I drink your milkshake! Draaaaaaaaainage! :D

I've had two 920s, one of which drained like there was no tomorrow (and was subsequently returned) and one that has had no battery drainage problems. I've also had an HTC 8X, a Lumia 820, and a Lumia 520, none of which had battery drainage problems.


Although I'll admit I probably didn't have the 8X or the 520 long enough to really count for the purposes of this poll (2 weeks each, only).
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Re: Do you have random battery drainage

Lumia 920. Happens quite often actually. I convinced my friend to get a 928 and she gets it as well. Phone will be sitting on a table and after an hour it'll have dropped 30%.

I don't think there is any argument that this is an issue, but it could be Microsoft hasn't responded to this because it's on the developer's side? Or that they don't know how to solve it? Who knows, but it is ridiculous. On the days the battery doesn't go haywire, my battery life is outstanding though. There is so much potential!!
Lumia 820. Happened two days ago actually. Hadn't happened for two or three weeks, but it tends to be once a week.

Apart from the obvious battery drainage I also notice that my phone gets warm when this happens. I just turn it off, wait for it to cool down and turn it back on. Usually don't have to bother until next week.
Happened yesterday to me. Within 4 hours my battery went from 90% to 20%. I don't play games and I didn't play any videos. Lumia 620 (GDR1).
Happens to me intermittently. Usually when I travel to another city here in the US. But also less frequently just around my home town. I've seen it happen two days in a row and then not happen for a few weeks. I can't say for sure but I think at least a few instances happened when the signal was weak. I once flew from Sacramento to Newark with phone powered off with 99% battery left. Upon landing I turned phone back on. By the time I got to baggage claim I went from 99% to 70%. The phone was very hot. I did nothing other than send two texts. I rebooted and I lost another 20% in the next 30 minutes with zero usage. Still hot. Rebooted again and battery use returned to normal. Phone cooled to normal.
I have a 620 ad has faced the Battery Drainage... last day my battery went from 100% to 50% over the night, when I was not even using the phone..
yesterday also it went from 100% to 60% withing 4hrs and then stable...

I have seen some pattern. if you use Bing search, or stop Music[using music stopper] and not opening and closing the Music player... if you charge the battery from BATTERY SAVER MODE and are not opening and closing the Facebook app whatsapp etc...

share your ideas on the topic..
I did/do have occasional battery drain, but I've traced that to my flashlight app. If I leave it running in the background it will kill my device pretty quick. I use a Lumia 810.
Well, actually not before Amber, but today on my second day with it installed it drained at 14% on idle (with wifi) instead of the usual 4,5% average, which is weird. I thinkI'll be turning off Glance altogether. I already turned off Double Tap To Wake, I suspect that one does take it's bit of battery (keeping the touchscreen panel ON all the time)
I have a 920 and see it once or twice a week.
A sure way to make it happen for me is to update apps.
Now after I update I do a soft reset and I don't see the problem.
But there are still times that I'll feel it getting hot in my pocket and sure enough its draining fast, I text a bit, talk a bit, and look at the weather from time to time. I leave no programs running in the background and have followed every tip on getting this to stop. Now I just kinda live with it,
I have the same problem with my l920, if GDR2 doesn't fix it I'm going to demand an exchange for a Android device. After going through six devices for various issues, I feel they will understand the sense of frustration and disappointment I have towards AT&T.
Phone getting hot ~ processor doing task. Its some app that's stuck (call it poor coding or app design) or sync issues (email). Kill all apps by continuously hitting back button till it can't go further or check your email+accounts under settings for sync issues
Killing apps doesn't do jack. I always kill them like that but the app that gets stuck is stuck no matter how you exit out of it.
Killing apps should work, but if you kill wifi or mobile connections it will allow the phone to cool off.
I mostly get heating with mobile connection I guess, since I have lousy coverage in my area (there's not a single decent company around in my country, it's basically "hope for EDGE" :s)
I don't think this is a big issue but I must admit that for a casual user who just uses the phone with everything turned on all the time and installs and uses apps it could annoying.

I'm still learning my phone, I'm a power user, but after GDR2 and installing a lot of apps I'm being cautious again, I'm monitoring everything. Data Sense does help a bit.
I had the battery drain problem on my Lumia 920 and still have it on my HTC 8X. My 8S and Ativ-S both don't have this problem.
Had one today on my L920 while I was taking a nap. Laid it on the bed, went to sleep, woke up about 3 hours was super HOT and battery had gone from almost 100% to damn near dead even with the battery saver function coming on. There was enough juice for it to come on and show that I had a few texts and emails and one reminder notice, but when I shut it down it would not come back on without charging first. What concerned me the most was the HEAT it was putting off while laying on my bed! This needs to be addressed quickly!
Happens to me on my 920. Sometimes I'm on my phone for like 30 minutes, and it is still 100%. Then I pick it up a few hours later, and it is like 75%. What the heck?
Yes, I have this problem on my HTC 8S :( and from a few days battery in this device charging only to 99%

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