Why not make WP better and compete with Android and iOS?

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New member
Aug 30, 2013
I really don't get it and I do not understand Microsoft. There are reports how has Microsoft missed the time to step into mobile market and so on. There is the website uservoice.com, where users can request features, an entry is stating that Microsoft is not listening. Microsoft then responded that it's listening but they are doing on growing WP ecosystem. Well, I think that WP has good potential, but they should step up and I can't get it why they don't. If they don't have enough resources to do the work, then they should hire new one, who would doing on the feature requests of uservoice.com and the other can do on growing up of WP ecosystem.

As I become the WP user, I was very disappointed on the office package, as this was anouced how you can now view and edit office documents. It may be that you can view them, but editing is so limited that it's almost useless. If you compare to the android app Kingsoft Office ,it really, really lacks of features.

I also miss
- a good foto editing app (where I could take a photo and draw, write on it, put on some objects like arrows, circles, ...),
- a video editing app, where I could quickly join, split, rotate, delete scene from captured videos. There is a limitiation for third-party apps to the video files, which I would like to upload to picassa, and there is no direct way :(
- more text formatting options everywhere (email, onenote, office apps)
- opera web browser (I have read that Windows Phone is too locked down to really be seen as a viable platform to develop for)
- save/install apps to sd card (lets say that you have wpTorrent and you download a few larger files and you have just 8GB memory and memory is full)
- there are other things, but I would stop here

In general I think that WP is very good platform, but not stable yet, because I have been experiencing freezes on my Lumia 820 device. Phone should not freeze never ever, if there is an fault app on it or what ever would cause the WP to freeze it should display error and work on, not that it freezes, this is so annoying, you can imagine what I think :)

I must say something about tablets too, because I was so anxious about the release and in the end when it came out, there was a high price, and nothing exciting about it. If they spent one bilion on developement of surface, they can spend some milions on pushing windows phone to support what I and the others would like to see on it.

If MS would speed up the developement of the WP and apps, it could quickly raise up in market share with iOS and Android, but as I already said, I don't get it why there is no interest, a least it looks like this.

Last but not least is IE support of HTML5 on the html5test.com is at last place.
just wait youre in a hurry dude! the hurry you are the longer time will take relax and chill make use of your phone enjoy it.
Sounds like you might be happier with a different system.
WP is simple, by design. To just throw more and more features into the system, quickly, would mean disaster. Even if you have a full team of programmers working on each feature, you need to still implement them upstream into the larger system. One feature may affect another feature in unknown ways. Microsoft has already stated that the GDR2 and GDR3 updates are mainly to address bugs and implement support for new hardware. This takes time. WP8.1 will contain new features, as they are ready. Most of your gripes with the OS seems to be due to your expectations of what it SHOULD do exceeding what it's currently designed to do.

I have an Arrive (wp 7.5) that has NEVER locked up. I upgraded to the 8xt (wp 8 gdr2), that has NEVER froze either. If your phone is locking up, take it back to your carrier or place of purchase and see if they can get you a replacement.
Hey, it's not that I'am bashing, it's just my impression that I wanted to share.
I generaly like my phone, it's just that I am missing things and I think others do too.
Lol. You guys are worse than the Apple devotes on Mac Rumors. Is the fellow prohibited from making certain first posts? If he/she wants to complain in his first post, so be it. I'm a WP8 user but to somehow infer that WP8 is perfect without needing a few major changes is just being plain naive.
just wait youre in a hurry dude! the hurry you are the longer time will take relax and chill make use of your phone enjoy it.

Patience, learn what your hone WILL do instead of dwelling on what it WON"T do. Look at Android phones, the more they do in a hurry the more of a mess it becomes.
Lol. You guys are worse than the Apple devotes on Mac Rumors. Is the fellow prohibited from making certain first posts? If he/she wants to complain in his first post, so be it. I'm a WP8 user but to somehow infer that WP8 is perfect without needing a few major changes is just being plain naive.

Who said it was perfect? There is a dedicated thread for this sort of thing as I pointed out.
This is supposed to be a place where we can all discuss WP and voice our opinions about how it could be made better - this isn't some kind of Apple style "church" where people denounce you for blasphemy - "Unbeliever! Blasphemer!" I have used MS products since DOS, and I, like ALL their customers, reserve an UNASSAILABLE RIGHT to criticise and suggest ways in which the products WE buy can be improved. There's no point saying, "Oh you're a hater, go use something else!" Let's have less zealotry (Web definitions : fanaticism: excessive intolerance of opposing views.) and more civilised and reasoned discussion. We ALL like WP here, but we want to make it BETTER. Saying, "yeah give it a few years" is rubbish. Basic features are missing / long time coming. Adding new features is complicated - this is what MS makes billions of dollars DOING! Look at customer feedback on the XBOX One - things changed.
If someone wants to come here to vent their frustrations at lack of features - they should feel able to do that without being pilloried by people as bad as any Apple Zealot. They BOUGHT a product, they have PAID for the RIGHT to criticise that product.
This is supposed to be a place where we can all discuss WP and voice our opinions about how it could be made better - this isn't some kind of Apple style "church" where people denounce you for blasphemy - "Unbeliever! Blasphemer!" I have used MS products since DOS, and I, like ALL their customers, reserve an UNASSAILABLE RIGHT to criticise and suggest ways in which the products WE buy can be improved. There's no point saying, "Oh you're a hater, go use something else!" Let's have less zealotry (Web definitions : fanaticism: excessive intolerance of opposing views.) and more civilised and reasoned discussion. We ALL like WP here, but we want to make it BETTER. Saying, "yeah give it a few years" is rubbish. Basic features are missing / long time coming. Adding new features is complicated - this is what MS makes billions of dollars DOING! Look at customer feedback on the XBOX One - things changed.
If someone wants to come here to vent their frustrations at lack of features - they should feel able to do that without being pilloried by people as bad as any Apple Zealot. They BOUGHT a product, they have PAID for the RIGHT to criticise that product.
And the people said AMEN.
This is supposed to be a place where we can all discuss WP and voice our opinions about how it could be made better - this isn't some kind of Apple style "church" where people denounce you for blasphemy - "Unbeliever! Blasphemer!" I have used MS products since DOS, and I, like ALL their customers, reserve an UNASSAILABLE RIGHT to criticise and suggest ways in which the products WE buy can be improved. There's no point saying, "Oh you're a hater, go use something else!" Let's have less zealotry (Web definitions : fanaticism: excessive intolerance of opposing views.) and more civilised and reasoned discussion. We ALL like WP here, but we want to make it BETTER. Saying, "yeah give it a few years" is rubbish. Basic features are missing / long time coming. Adding new features is complicated - this is what MS makes billions of dollars DOING! Look at customer feedback on the XBOX One - things changed.
If someone wants to come here to vent their frustrations at lack of features - they should feel able to do that without being pilloried by people as bad as any Apple Zealot. They BOUGHT a product, they have PAID for the RIGHT to criticise that product.


And may I add that no system is perfect no matter what the fanboys of said systems say. In this case, WP may be awesome, but it is flawed from day one in places that it couldn't simply be flawed. Case in point: Volume controls.
This is supposed to be a place where we can all discuss WP and voice our opinions about how it could be made better - this isn't some kind of Apple style "church" where people denounce you for blasphemy - "Unbeliever! Blasphemer!" I have used MS products since DOS, and I, like ALL their customers, reserve an UNASSAILABLE RIGHT to criticise and suggest ways in which the products WE buy can be improved. There's no point saying, "Oh you're a hater, go use something else!" Let's have less zealotry (Web definitions : fanaticism: excessive intolerance of opposing views.) and more civilised and reasoned discussion. We ALL like WP here, but we want to make it BETTER. Saying, "yeah give it a few years" is rubbish. Basic features are missing / long time coming. Adding new features is complicated - this is what MS makes billions of dollars DOING! Look at customer feedback on the XBOX One - things changed.
If someone wants to come here to vent their frustrations at lack of features - they should feel able to do that without being pilloried by people as bad as any Apple Zealot. They BOUGHT a product, they have PAID for the RIGHT to criticise that product.

Doesn't matter how much you put in CAPS - there is and has been for quite some time a dedicated thread for WP misgivings and what people would like to see changed. Its even been made a sticky and its top of the list in the windows phone 8 section.
This is supposed to be a place where we can all discuss WP and voice our opinions about how it could be made better - this isn't some kind of Apple style "church" where people denounce you for blasphemy - "Unbeliever! Blasphemer!" I have used MS products since DOS, and I, like ALL their customers, reserve an UNASSAILABLE RIGHT to criticise and suggest ways in which the products WE buy can be improved. There's no point saying, "Oh you're a hater, go use something else!" Let's have less zealotry (Web definitions : fanaticism: excessive intolerance of opposing views.) and more civilised and reasoned discussion. We ALL like WP here, but we want to make it BETTER. Saying, "yeah give it a few years" is rubbish. Basic features are missing / long time coming. Adding new features is complicated - this is what MS makes billions of dollars DOING! Look at customer feedback on the XBOX One - things changed.
If someone wants to come here to vent their frustrations at lack of features - they should feel able to do that without being pilloried by people as bad as any Apple Zealot. They BOUGHT a product, they have PAID for the RIGHT to criticise that product.

So true mate. I see a lot of this on WP Central, people getting shot down for speaking against WP8 -- some folks need to ease up before, WP Central starts looking like playschool full kids -- always ******** with each other!
Yes, I agree with you OP that WP is lacking many things. I just got an WP for the first time.

The biggest problems to me when it comes to gaining a larger marketshare are 1. Not enough third party apps 2. It doesn't look that good 3. It's not the cool thing to have.

I think they are actually working as hard as they can on their 3 biggest problems. They've been doing a lot of marketing to try to make windows in general cooler (though that backfired for them like with MS surface). They seem to be setting up programs to encourage more 3rd party development. They need to hire better artists to make the interface look better but maybe they have been trying to do that but I just don't know.
/cough Troll Bait /cough...


Ever since I joined these forums back in November of '12 when WP8 and its devices were released, this forum has been plagued with Android and iOS users signing in and making "first post bashes" of Windows Phone. So whether the OP is legit or not, it leaves a bad taste in many people's mouths when a new user signs in and immediately starts going off on how things on their iPhone or Android were so much better.

Does a new user have the right to start "first post bashes" if they're legit? Of course, totally. But they should also, maybe, you know... search a little bit, read a little bit, get a feel for how the forums work, what the people are like, if there are already existing threads for what they want to bash about, etc., etc., etc.

Whether they have the right or not, it's considered bad form on... well, MANY forums to start off with a "first post bash".
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