Regarding the iOS 7 release time:
"Apple seems to like to do things at around 1pm Eastern, 10am Pacific"
15 minutes ago... and guess what? I'm already downloading it!
No approvals needed by carries, no batches relases...
It isn't hard, is it?
Yes, it may justify why MS need the carriers approval before releasing an update for a specific are right and i agree it should be as easy as that. But apple has only 1 phone to release updates for and msft has many in phones with different specifications in many countries on many carriers. So it makes the job bit difficult for them.
Also MSFT is not the manufacturer whereas apple is. Manufacturers apply their updates on updates by msft and hence whole procedure takes time.
Yes, it may justify why MS need the carriers approval before releasing an update for a specific model.
But why releasing the updates in batches for the same model & carrier?
I have a Lumia 920 unlocked/unbranded and I haven't received the GDR2 yet... as soon as the update is ready for one Lumia 920, it MUST be ready for all Lumia 920.
This is unacceptable.