Error Code: c101a006


New member
Dec 5, 2012

I've had my Lumia 920 for about a week now and bizarrely i can't download apps outside of a few like: LinkedIn, cinemagraph, skype, panorama, connectivity settings, pdf reader, sky drive and one or two others. Every time I try to download something i get the error code c101a006, each and every time... for example, trying to download Youtube, twitter, photobeamer, nokia transit... a few games etc... These are all FREE apps btw.

I live in Dubai, UAE and have had my hotmail (now email address for years and years which was set up in the UK.

A friend of mine is not having these issues, has the same phone and set up his account here but selected US as his home... I would create another account but all my contacts are associated with this account... i created another account but and can't now add any billing details....
is it an account issue?
what can i do? where is my problem?? and what is the fix???

I have soft reset (many times), i have hard reset (many times) but still nothing.
I've changed my region, language, country settings...

the guys on the microsoft forum are about as helpful as a chocolate teapot and keep on talking about zune accounts... i don't have a zune account because it's now xbox live and i am pretty sure my xbox account is fine - it's associated with my email (hotmail).

Someone, somewhere somehow must have the answer..

I love my phone but at this rate it won't be long before I dump it and get an android device...

Please please help.....
Does it stop at 50% of the download or am i getting my error codes mixed up? That error happens on all windows 8 phones. Its nothing to do with the location of accounts I have the issue and have a uk xbox account, uk email address, uk phone, uk network etc.

The marketplace is a complete mess at the moment, full of bugs and errors.
I receive the same error messages when I want to download apps and games. I am from The Nerherlands.
Sent from my Windows Phone 8X by HTC using Board Express
I am experiencing the same issue, have had phone for several weeks and it acting king of buggy today, cannot download anything and have gotten some random freezes, soft reset has done nothing. I'm in the USA.
So this error is affecting everyone. Does anyone know how to fix it or when it might be fixed.

No idea, but from a bit of googling I have seen people complaining about the issue on Windows phone 8 since release. It was also apparently around on 7 as well. Microsoft know about it, their mods on the developer forums try to play down the issue and roll out a stock response saying its an intermittent error. But its not, for me the apps and games that get the error can simply not be downloaded.

Think i have found a solution - not great however!

i did a hard reset of my phone earlier and created a brand new ID (US) and i can now download pretty much everything.

the issue here is that now my skydrive is associated with my other account which is associated with my laptop (W8os) and as far as im aware we cant have multiple IDs on the same machine. sure i can add my work email, facebook, and outlook email to my phone but what a hassle. i use sky drive a lot, upload my documents, pictures etc so it means having two accounts that i go back and forth on... maybe i am being too pedantic?! Come MS - make life easy for us. We're buying your **** after all!!!

try it out all. if it works then it's a fix albeit not the perfect one!

Think i have found a solution - not great however!

i did a hard reset of my phone earlier and created a brand new ID (US) and i can now download pretty much everything.

the issue here is that now my skydrive is associated with my other account which is associated with my laptop (W8os) and as far as im aware we cant have multiple IDs on the same machine. sure i can add my work email, facebook, and outlook email to my phone but what a hassle. i use sky drive a lot, upload my documents, pictures etc so it means having two accounts that i go back and forth on... maybe i am being too pedantic?! Come MS - make life easy for us. We're buying your **** after all!!!

try it out all. if it works then it's a fix albeit not the perfect one!

A whole new xbox live id is that? I cant do that, ive got all the history of purchases and achievement points and also subscriptions to live and xbox music on that id.

Keep us updated anyway, i would hate someone to have to do all that and it happen again.
I spoke to my network about another matter and mentioned this issue when they asked how happy I was with my new 8X. They suggested editing my credit card details and re-saving them. Despite how cynical I was about that I tried it and bizarrely it worked fine.

Im not sure if this will fix the issue for everyone but its worth a try. May just be happy coincidence, who knows.
Hi There,

The resolution for this problem is easy. The reason you are facing this problem is that "Store" thinks that you are a Child and they wouldn't allow you to download any application

Please follow the steps below:

1. On your phone, please go to Settings > Email + Accounts. In the list look for the first email marked as "Microsoft Account".
2. From your phone, use credentials of "Microsoft Account" to sign in to
3. After logining in to, make sure that birth date and home country/region are completely filled-in and saved.
4. If you see a message indicating that your password is weak or something, please change to password.
5. If you are prompted to add additional security information, please do so.
6. From your phone, sign in to using same credentials above.
7. You "SHOULD" be prompted to accept terms of use. Please do so.
8. Click on My account.
9. Scroll down the page till you see Billing Contact Information. Click on it.
10. Make sure that information is up to date.
11. Power down your phone and wait for 30 sec.
12. Power on and try accessing Store and downloading apps.

I have followed as your solution, then power off and on again, but I still got the same error code. Please help me, I bought my Lumia 920 from Thailand and live in Lao, I have tried to download app but got error code with many app.
This is absolutely crazy. I got my Lumia 920 in Nigeri with same error code. I don't think Microsoft' support team has solution to this error, I have tried almost every suggestion: soft reset, hard reset, changed regions, accepted xbox terms and conditions, completed billing contact information and still getting the error.

When I first bought the phone, I was able to download about 14 applications smoothly from store before it started misbehaving giving the error code c101a006. And please be careful on hard reset, it can brick your phone as it did to mine. Although I have the phone back and up running but still can't download new application from store even after trying a new account. I pity Nokia with this wrong choice, already told loads of friends to get this phone initially not knowing it's pretty useless.

Microsoft has no solution yet and it is so annoying. What is the use of a smartphone without applications? Rubbish! :unhappy::unhappy::unhappy::unhappy::unhappy:
I think Microsoft has finally found solution as I can now download without interruption, no more error c101a006. The problem actually is from Xbox account so this is what you do.

1) go to settings, language and make sure you note the region/country on your phone
2) login to with your account details
3) at the bottom right corner, there is a new menu option to move your region. Click on this and make sure your region/country details matches with the one on your phone.
4) A pop to accept new Xbox terms and conditions will appear, accept the terms.
5) confirm all other date of birth to be the same as in your Microsoft account (hotmail, live or outlook)
6) Reboot your phone and enjoy unlimited download and the fun of a great smartphone

note: I have tried this and it worked on my phone.

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