Thanks for the info. App is great but honestly it seems like if you don't have a Nokia920 you're wasting your money. Maybe i'll upgrade to the catwalk when it arrives...
Photography, in the end, is more about composition and subject rather than hardware. ProShot is a tool that helps you quickly access the settings you need to create a desired effect, and to capture the moment the way you want to. It also functions well on its own in Auto, allows the viewing of your images in full HD, has burst, self-timer, and timelapse functions, plus a few other bells a whistles above the stock camera app. And with each update it keeps getting better and better. I can't wait to publish the changes I've been making, it's really gonna become something special
Ok, I'll be the first to admit that I'm a noob when comes to camera stuff, but gimme shutter speeds over white balance. Hey RiseUpgames, how about some examples using the 8x? least until I upgrade
Hmm....I went through all of the pics I've taken so far with my 8X and there really isn't much in there I'm proud of, haha. Sadly, most of my pics are test shots testing different settings or trying to break my code. This is one of the few that I feel are interesting enough to post:
1/30s ISO 123
Again its not really about hardware, but about composition. This image isn't going to set the world on fire, but I think it's interesting; it sticks pretty well to the rule of thirds, and keeping the shutter speed at 1/30 allowed me to capture the motion without completely blurring the image. Also, I had Contrast = 0, Saturation = 1 (options that are already available on the 8X, but not Nokia hardware).
I'm not sure this applies to WP, but awesome let's vote for ProShot hahaha!