ProShot camera app.

Arg, I'm so sorry, I keep missing the AF/MF bugs. I changed how I was handing that stuff and it looks like that's an edge case I forgot to compensate for (if you slide your finger on the MF dial and then open a menu again, it won't go back to AF). I'll fix it for the next update.
yes I just noticed that after I slide my finger on the MF dial, it doesn't go back to AF. Good enough for me for now. Thanks!
btw, wasn't this update supposed to contain shortcuts for macro and infinity focus?
Great things going on here...

Now just need to wait for UK carriers to roll out GDR2 (other than Vodafone) -.-...

I would like to report a bug. if your ISO is set 100/200/400/800 then you adjust the shutter speed, the exposure slider gets disabled. it also affect the Program option once this happens. To temporary enabled the exposure slider, you must set your ISO to auto. But if you use manual ISO, it will be disabled again.

using a L920. not yet gdr2

this is not a bug, the exposure slider can't when using a long exposure shot, Even Nokia Pro Cam doesn't allow you to change exposure compensation once you started playing with long shutters and low ISOs
yes I just noticed that after I slide my finger on the MF dial, it doesn't go back to AF. Good enough for me for now. Thanks!
btw, wasn't this update supposed to contain shortcuts for macro and infinity focus?

Infinity wasn't working properly on my GDR1 Nokia, but it was just fine on my GDR2 Nokia, so I made it a GDR2-only thing. Gotta get that update ;)
Hi, first of all congratulations for building this awesome app and the continued improvements.

My 920 was updated to Amber and I was able to compare it to Nokia pro cam.

I definitely prefer using ProShot but have noted the following new features on Nokia Pro Cam:
- Face detection. Is there any plan to add this functionality?
- The shutter speed can now select automatically longer exposure time than 0.5 sec (if for example you block the ISO value to 100). In this case you end up with a proper exposure. Is there any plan to change that as well?

Sent from my RM-821_eu_euro2_249 using Tapatalk

Recently I was down on SPI Texas but at the beach the sunlight was so bright that I could not make adjustments to Proshot, hard to see and it got me to wondering if the GUI could be set like some GPS units are, one mode for bright sunlight and another for nighttime. I should have set up a mode in advance so I could just shoot.

Got plenty of practice in but need a lot more, I seem to get better pics with the native app choosing settings
I checked that the option was disabled and then restarted my phone. Then I snapped a pic with the vanilla camera app and Pro Shot. I copied them both to my laptop, and when I check the properties of these pics, the vanilla one doesn't have GPS data show, but the ProShot one does.

Bough it today and noticed the same thing, I've tried toggling the GPS setting under camera properties and restarting but it didn't change the maths

edit: globally disabling location doesn't put gps exif data, so I tried a soft reset and it seems it did the trick ;)

Great app, I've bough a gorillapod tripod and was testing it, amazing results!
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Hi, first of all congratulations for building this awesome app and the continued improvements.

My 920 was updated to Amber and I was able to compare it to Nokia pro cam.

I definitely prefer using ProShot but have noted the following new features on Nokia Pro Cam:
- Face detection. Is there any plan to add this functionality?
- The shutter speed can now select automatically longer exposure time than 0.5 sec (if for example you block the ISO value to 100). In this case you end up with a proper exposure. Is there any plan to change that as well?

1) Yes, I do want to add that. Still need to look into it
2) The auto mode is determined by the camera hardware, unfortunately it's not something I have any control over :/

View attachment 41088

Recently I was down on SPI Texas but at the beach the sunlight was so bright that I could not make adjustments to Proshot, hard to see and it got me to wondering if the GUI could be set like some GPS units are, one mode for bright sunlight and another for nighttime. I should have set up a mode in advance so I could just shoot.

Got plenty of practice in but need a lot more, I seem to get better pics with the native app choosing settings

I can look into that (daylight/night UI).
The GPS's a bug in Microsoft's code. Their SaveToCameraRoll() function automatically adds (or doesn't add) GPS data to the image while it is being saved. This is out of my control and only something Microsoft can fix. It may have been fixed with GDR2, but I haven't confirmed it yet.
Thanks a lot for your reply.

I did more testing and found out that when using the infinity focus mode, pictures came out a bit blurry, even on distant subjects (obviously I don't expect close objects to be sharp).
This is really noticeable if I compare the same picture against one for which autofocus was used...

Am I the only one experiencing this ? (Nokia Lumia 920, GDR2 Amber)

EDIT - Here is below an illustation of the difference.
Autofocus (top image) vs Infinity focus (bottom image)

Autofocus (top image) vs Infinity focus (bottom image) - 100% crops
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Thanks a lot for your reply.

I did more testing and found out that when using the infinity focus mode, pictures came out a bit blurry, even on distant subjects (obviously I don't expect close objects to be sharp).
This is really noticeable if I compare the same picture against one for which autofocus was used...

Am I the only one experiencing this ? (Nokia Lumia 920, GDR2 Amber)

EDIT - Here is below an illustation of the difference.
Autofocus (top image) vs Infinity focus (bottom image)
View attachment 41266
View attachment 41269

Autofocus (top image) vs Infinity focus (bottom image) - 100% crops
View attachment 41267
View attachment 41270

Thank you VERY MUCH for the test, I was afraid of this. On my GDR1 Lumia 920, infinity AF doesn't work, but it worked just fine on my GDR2 520 and my GDR2 1020. I figured it was an issue that was fixed with GDR2, but it looks like infinity AF on the Lumia 920 is just broken (I was also wondering if it was broken cause I've dropped the phone, something that could have misaligned the lenses inside the camera, but I guess not).

I will remove the option on the 920 in the next update. What a shame...
Thank you VERY MUCH for the test, I was afraid of this. On my GDR1 Lumia 920, infinity AF doesn't work, but it worked just fine on my GDR2 520 and my GDR2 1020. I figured it was an issue that was fixed with GDR2, but it looks like infinity AF on the Lumia 920 is just broken (I was also wondering if it was broken cause I've dropped the phone, something that could have misaligned the lenses inside the camera, but I guess not).

I will remove the option on the 920 in the next update. What a shame...

You may or may not know this, but I thought I'd point this out.

Infinity focus in most lenses isn't usually infinity though as far as I know. This is to allow for expansion and contraction (due to temperature changes) or movement in the lens (like when you dropped it). While focusing beyond infinity doesn't seem very useful, it is useful for things such as infrared photography where focus distances are altered :).
You may or may not know this, but I thought I'd point this out.

Infinity focus in most lenses isn't usually infinity though as far as I know. This is to allow for expansion and contraction (due to temperature changes) or movement in the lens (like when you dropped it). While focusing beyond infinity doesn't seem very useful, it is useful for things such as infrared photography where focus distances are altered :).

Yep, was aware of this, but I didn't know the part about IR photography! Cool :)
Infinity mode isn't exactly a set point on WP, it acts more like an Infinity AF mode, meaning the AF algorithm will only check for focus at the further end of its range (this will allow for faster focus). It's a shame it's not working on the 920, it's pretty useful for landscape photography, or when subjects are more than a few meters from the lens.

Is it possible to have a scene option? For backlight, macro etc?

Early in development when I only had an HTC 8X I couldn't get the scene modes working properly (firmware issues), and I think they were a bit buggy on the 920 when I finally got one. Since then there have been quite a few OS updates, and I have been meaning to go back and check them out. If they do work, I'll put them in with v3.0, or perhaps sooner.
Early in development when I only had an HTC 8X I couldn't get the scene modes working properly (firmware issues), and I think they were a bit buggy on the 920 when I finally got one. Since then there have been quite a few OS updates, and I have been meaning to go back and check them out. If they do work, I'll put them in with v3.0, or perhaps sooner.

Thanks for the reply. I tried the Oneshot trial and the scene option is working so i hope it will work with Proshot as well :)
Yep, was aware of this, but I didn't know the part about IR photography! Cool :)
Infinity mode isn't exactly a set point on WP, it acts more like an Infinity AF mode, meaning the AF algorithm will only check for focus at the further end of its range (this will allow for faster focus). It's a shame it's not working on the 920, it's pretty useful for landscape photography, or when subjects are more than a few meters from the lens..

In that case it just plain doesn't work :P!
after update to
I notice the quality and sharpness of image are degrade from the last version
I'm using Lumia 720 with auto focus, tested it before and after update with same object
or it's just me?
after update to
I notice the quality and sharpness of image are degrade from the last version
I'm using Lumia 720 with auto focus, tested it before and after update with same object
or it's just me?

Do you have any before and after pics for comparison? Were you using the Infinity AF option? If anything, the pictures should be higher quality in this release. There are a few AF bugs still present (that I fixed in v2.8.5 that I just a few hours ago), but if you were having those bugs they'd definitely be noticeable.
after update to
I notice the quality and sharpness of image are degrade from the last version
I'm using Lumia 720 with auto focus, tested it before and after update with same object
or it's just me?

Check that your settings are correct for the type of shot you are taking. Also, check you are in 4.3 aspect and not 16.9

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