Potential Skydrive Replacement - Copy up to 15GB free


New member
Nov 18, 2010
Hey guys, Copy.com is providing 15GB of free online storage. I created a feature request on their forums in hoping that we get enough attention that they can provide a Windows Phone support. As of now, SkyDrive supports 5GB. However, with Skydrive, space runs out quickly when syncing photos from WP. Here's hoping they create an app where we can change the syncing from SkyDrive to Copy.

Here is the link for the Windows Phone feature request:


Here is a referral link if you haven't signed up. You get an additional 5GB free if I refer you and so do I.


Hopefully we can get enough attention and have a great alternative. It's in it's infancy so let's provide some support. Thanks WPCentral.
Looks like someone replied and a WP app is indeed in the works! I'm hoping they add it so that pictures can upload automatically to copy.

Everyone should get it while it lasts!
I'm pretty sure I've been a member forever. The only one I got was 2, now I'm at 7. Nearly done with it all too.
Thanks for the heads up, registered there. I use my 25G sky drive for most things but this will give me an option and it has enough storage to be useful.
Just a quick heads up. Looks like the app is in beta and will be released soon. Everyone should apply and see how well it works out eventually.

The Windows Phone 8 app is working it's way through beta channels, as well as going through certification in the app store.
A first release will be available very soon.
The first version will be slightly limited in functionality compared with counterparts, but we will be rapidly bringing it up to parity with the other platforms via updates.
Please let us know what kind of features you would like to see!
I want to be a beta tester, I have 50GB in my Copy account.

Please let us know what kind of features you would like to see!

Has the service an API?
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Signed up, downloaded app, but honestly there is a lot more to do. Files can only be uploaded through browser / windows app. I can't upload anything through my Lumia 920 app. I can see preview but not file itselft (it was a PNG screenshot file). Well well give it some time it looks promising, thank for the tip about Copy.
Defintely a lot more. But hopefully they can get the auto-upload. This has the potential to replace SkyDrive if they can do it right.
I've got 50GB free on AT&T's "Locker" cloud storage. Auto upload enabled app etc. In addition to my 7GB Skydrive. Then there's Dropbox... I forget how much I have there.

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