Facebook for WP8 - Live tile and toast not working.


New member
Jul 2, 2013
Hi everyone,

I have read a few things about issues with toast notifications and live tile updates for the official facebook app.

Mine arent working at the moment, live tile doesnt update, nor do i receive toast notifications or lock screen updates and was wondering if this is a widespread issue?

If not, do settings on facebook/email client/phone need to be set to something specific for it to work?

I dont want to use a 3rd party app as the official one looks best and also works best imo for everything else apart from phone notifications.

Info for me incase it helps:
Phone - lumia 520 w8
Email: outlook
Outlook and fb are linked with every option ticked in ?manage accounts? in outlook.
Facebook has windows phone ticked in apps, notifications. Email settings are set to only security emails and notifications are set to all.

Not sure if this will help anyone but i was playing with my settings in outlook and Facebook and the toast notifications and live tile now work.
I removed Facebook app, installed it again, removed Facebook link from outlook and readded it then it worked :)

This was the only thing that wasn't working correctly and now i have zero issues :)
Im just talking to myself but the resolution for my problem actually falls with fb directly as its their notifications and push settings that mean regardless of device i will never get push/email notifications. Which sucks. Resorted to using text notifications to keep me updated.
I'm in the same boat as you, but when I turn on notifications in the Facebook app, I get a message saying "There was a problem changing your push subscription. We'll try again next time you start the application."
I'm in the same boat as you, but when I turn on notifications in the Facebook app, I get a message saying "There was a problem changing your push subscription. We'll try again next time you start the application."

easy way to determine whether this is app or Facebook settings is to go to the pc Facebook site and check settings there. When you go into the push notifications bit you should be able to change settings per app ie Facebook for windows phone. Also in the email notifications bit you should have options to turn on specific things like messages etc. If this option isn't there its Facebook and not the app
I am also not getting any toast notification from FB.
I have a Lumia 720 . I have tried to install Facebook beta and allow the background process also but still i am not getting any notification.

Can anyone help me out??
I have the exact same problem as the users above. I'm on Lumia 720, running the latest FB update (not the beta).
I do not receive Toast and LiveTile push notifications. When i try to change them in the FB app settings, I get the error message: "There was a problem changing your push subscription. We'll try again next time you start the application."
Also, in the desktop version of FB (in a normal browser) I cannot specify any settings for the Facebook app for windows phone:

So far, I have not been able to resolve this issue. I have tried re-installing the app, and I've checked every possible setting in the mobile and desktop version, unable to find what's causing this.
If anyone found a fix, please let us know :(
If you have been on the desktop Facebook site and couldn't specify options for the app, its facebooks issue.

I got a toast notification yesterday!!!! 5 hours after i should have..... My Facebook is missing all settings for push and email and this is a Facebook issue for alot of people.

Google it and see for yourself, widespread issue.
Using 822 Lumia Facebook app beta I do get live tile notifications using the large flip tile.
I feel they may be a little slow getting to me.
Also after checking them they take a little while to clear.
I have the same problem on the 620. Tried both Facebook and beta. I gave up, waiting for a good update.
I can't even get the stupid things to open today...they just crash and ask me to send an error report.
One thing i figured out is you have to make your chat status as available to get the message from facebook.. i have turned it on and then find out
that if someone ping me i got the message on my mobile.
I never make myself avaible on integrated chat in WP8, cause it shows a green icon near your name instead of mobile icon so people might think **** about you...

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