OPERA mini for Windows Phone Discussion

I would even like it if they would just wrap Trident with their own UI/functions.
Don't know if using Blink would make such a difference compared to IE11 Trident, as it renders pages really well.
Opera told that it'll bring faster browsing in turbo mode by not changing the appearance of the sites. That's the main feature I want. I use UC, but some pages won't even load on speed mode, also appearance of the sites are also changed
Didn't use the Desktop Opera, but used it pretty much on my very old Nokia N82 (still have it) :P

Patiently waiting to test it.
This, Sir, is far from the truth. It used to be like that, yes. But things have changed in the meantime. Apps may now be build using C++, hence a very own browser engine, which is not build upon Trident, is absolutely possible. It's up to Mozilla, Google and whoever makes browsers, to port theirs over to WP.

Then why their isn't a singe other browser which is not based on Trident??
MS must have done something to stop.

I think it's more related to market share also.(2.5%)
Cant wait for it to arrive. I use Opera on my desktop and want that experience on my phone.
Cant wait for it to arrive. I use Opera on my desktop and want that experience on my phone.
Opera has been my default browser for about 7yrs. Love it. Unfortunately 12.xx (last version) doesn't open hotmail (live account) and some websites don't support it forcing you use IE, FF, GC... I'm forced to use Opera 24.0 now. It works as all others, but I don't like that its based on Google Chromes' thing. And I hate GC because for each tab it "starts" new process in Task Manager
I find UC freezes alot on my M8. Not sure why that is, but I welcome any new browser to windows phone as its just nice to have choices. I've been an opera mini fan from way back, bring it on.
I'm eagerly awaiting my invitation! I'm testing the Opera browser now on my study laptop and I must say I'm pretty impressed by its performance compared to Firefox, which was pretty laggy with loading pages.
I signed up and am eager to give it a try. I don't do much web browsing on my phone but have enjoyed Opera on other phones.
Are you sure ? never heard of that. I know they developed Firefox for Windows 8 but abandoned it later on but that was not for WP.

Yeah, i work on the Mozilla support page. It was for WP7, They abandoned it awhile ago. You can search on google for more information if you'd like :)
I'm eagerly awaiting my invitation! I'm testing the Opera browser now on my study laptop and I must say I'm pretty impressed by its performance compared to Firefox, which was pretty laggy with loading pages.

For some computers, it's actually the processer on some computers.. But yes, opera is the fastest browser, Hence it's nickname "The Speed King".
For some computers, it's actually the processer on some computers.. But yes, opera is the fastest browser, Hence it's nickname "The Speed King".

I never understood why Opera for Windows had such a low marketshare. It invented pretty much all the features people love about Firefox and Chrome. Be it tabbed browsing, password/history/favorites sync across devices, the first really usable Debugging Tools (DragonFly) and the most customizable settings I've ever seen (enter opera:config in the address bar). The latter is even working on the mobile browsers, which even lets you spoof a custom user agent. Damn sweet.
I don't like that they shifted away from their own engine though. Webkit sucks.

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