App: QuickPlay (PRO)


New member
Jul 8, 2014
Is there a way to add multiple songs to a playlist at once? I can't seem to multi select and adding one at a time to a playlist is painfully slow.
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Re: Quickplay App

Since you haven't specified which app you're actually referring to, I just assume you're talking about Xbox Music. In this case, just tap on the very left of the songs, which will make checkboxes appear. Just tick those you want to add to an existing playlist, a new one or just now playing, swipe up the bottom app bar and choose "add to".. Then pick whatever you want to have these songs added to.
Dude, the app is called QuickPlay in the store. myAppFree had put the pro version as the app of the day like over a week ago or so.
Sorry, I didn't quite catch that, lol. It was kinda late. :) I checked it, but couldn't find any way to achieve what you're looking for.
Sorry, I didn't quite catch that, lol. It was kinda late. :) I checked it, but couldn't find any way to achieve what you're looking for.
Thanks for trying anyway. ^^
I'll just email the dev and see what he says, or maybe he will add it. I'll find out sooner or later.

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