Windows 10 concept! What do you wanna see?

Avik Biswas

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Jul 3, 2014
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Windows 10 Concept Design

This design ideas are just what i wanna see in windows 10, If you have any suggestion or ideas just post, i will try to add that in my design.

UPDATE: thanks guys, here is all my ideas of windows 10, i have modify some of the previous! enjoy. :evil:

win10 concept.jpg



windows concept desktop.jpg


Cortana, *still in beta :winktongue:

windows concept cortana.jpg


New Notification Centre, with ability to sort and filter notifications, also unified design for update, important maintenance notification in one place.

windows concept notify.jpg


Windows Explorer

windows concept explorer.jpg


New simple XBOX Music, (zune color design+ xbox modern ui + windows phone music)

xbox music home screen

windows concept music.jpg

Song list dropdown

windows concept music library drop.jpg


Start menu for pure desktop experience, user can drag any app from start menu and pin to desktop as widgets :)

windows concept start.jpg


App switcher + Virtual desktop

windows concept switch.jpg


XBOX video store

windows concept xbox video.jpg

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Jun 27, 2014
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Re: Windows 9 concept! What do you wanna see?

I want wireless file sharing between windows phone and PC (Remote Connection). Drag and drop option from virtual phone to desktop.

windows 9 concept file sharing.jpg



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Jan 3, 2014
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Re: Windows 9 concept! What do you wanna see?

Very cool, wonderful design. However, I think your smart menu system needs a little refinement, for example a border or something to let you know where it the edge of the menu is.


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Nov 11, 2013
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Re: Windows 9 concept! What do you wanna see?

I think one thing shown in this mockup that Microsoft should heavily consider is the fact that the customization options can sometimes make Windows look ugly, thanks to poor design choices by the user.

Many people pick an ugly wallpaper and sometimes OEMs put ugly commercial wallpapers on, and the window color clashes and the transparency is not well done and sometimes used in the wrong places throughout Windows 8, which is clashing so much as it is with the fight between aero and metro.

What I like about this mockup is that the transparent aspects (if any in Windows 9) should have a desaturated dark background, or light background. I think OS X Yosemite does this well, and unfortunately it took Apple trying to pull off a Microsoft aero move, to show Microsoft what their transparency vision should have been in the first place.

That, combined with a nice wallpaper that's not too busy and not too plain with great color, really sells this design.

Clean, connected, efficient.

Avik Biswas

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Jul 3, 2014
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Re: Windows 9 concept! What do you wanna see?

Well i like apples new transparent and blurred concept, but i don't think windows should focus on heavily blurred theme,i am sure they use more CPU and GPU,

The concept of metro is good, but they have implemented it awfully.

Wallpaper is a choice by user, leave it to them.

The mockup i made is a example of how Windows 8 should have been, especially the accent color should have been a part of the desktop.

I will post some of my new mockups when i have more time.

Suggest me some good wallpaper, i will be happy to add them


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Oct 19, 2011
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Re: Windows 9 concept! What do you wanna see?

Nice concept demos! I'm getting a bit of XP nostalgia mixed with windows 8 when I look at the images.

I think there needs to be a liitle more modern UI love:

What I would like to see in windows 9 concept.

In desktop:
Bigger buttons, I mean everything (close window, minimize, maximize, window bars, menu items etc.)

In modern UI:

further refinement of the charms bar.

In app search back to the charm bar

Login in the charmsbar.

Live interactive tiles in the modern UI

Currently the live tile options are only 1x1, 2x2, 2x4 and 4x4. Would be nice if there were other live tile sizes; 2x1, 1x2, 4x2, 8x8.

Would be nice if there was an option for transparant live tiles in the modern, UI, just like windows phone.

Deeper stylus functionality in the modern UI:
-just like the hover menu in the samsung galaxy note series.
- option for inline stylus input in search and internet adress bars.
-option for inline stylus input and ink-to-text recogntion in the email and calendar app
-notetaking note just by selecting the wacom stylus on the screen for instant notetaking and instantly have the option to save the note either directly as a live tile or as a file. Option to directly attach that note to onenote or an email (could be done via charms bar. Option to paste screen or web snippets to an instant note with the option to paste it with various degree of rotation within that note.

would be nice if microsoft could make offlice apps for the modern UI.

would be nice if cortana could be offered as an option. Currently only english and chinese is supported. Untill most other languages are supported, it's best microsoft keeps working on cortana for windows on a later release with full interational language support as a fact, rather than a possibility.

the file menu in the modern UI needs a functionality upgrade. With many pictures and files the preview icons are too small, with no option to see larger previews. The only way to do it not is to multitask between the file explorer in the desktop and the file explorer in the modern UI. That's a poor end-user experience.
The whats next function in the modern UI calendar app needs an upgrade. It's only a background image and a small handful of of calender items in the bottom part of the screen as a horizontal scrollbar. Why not use the whole screen real estate? Why not an option to drag and drop calender items to change them to a later time or date?

Brandon Tobias

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May 6, 2014
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Re: Windows 9 concept! What do you wanna see?

nice concept but bring it a bit more inline with MS's vision of metro a bit .... kinda tired now will inbox or post what i would like to see as im still trying to redesign windows phone's interface ...

Avik Biswas

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Jul 3, 2014
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Re: Windows 9 concept! What do you wanna see?

Thanks guys, i will try to add all of your ideas and make something, will post some concepts third week


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Sep 30, 2013
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Re: Windows 9 concept! What do you wanna see?

Everything is well and good in ur concept,but I don't like how the title bar looks in file explorer and the back button, it doesn't match with your overall file explorer, it feels out of place make it more modern like in office 2013 or Zune.

I don't know who is working at MS in design department they have the very great Zune at one side and worst design of desktop in windows 8 they should take clues from Zune it looks beautiful and works with touch too, they should make universal apps look like Zune in desktop.

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