Xbox Games Hub Problems: Game Notifications (WP7&WP8)


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Sep 26, 2011
Did anyone else just completely stop getting notifications through the XBOX Games Hub? I am on a WP7 device, my gf is on a WP8 device. They used to work fine before, but when we play Battleship and Caracassonne, we longer receive any sort of notification. Before, we would get a toast, the Games Hub would show a numbers showing how many moves I have to make, and I could open up the hub and slide over "requests" and it'll show what games we are playing. I tested it with Chickens Can't Fly also, no luck.

To my surprise, the new XBL game, Galactic Reign (awesome game by the way) doesn't use notifications through the Games hub. It does them independently and I received them through toasts and the game's own tile.
I've found that turning "Sync Game Requests" and "Show Game Notifications" off then on often seems to jog this back to life.
I too have this problem and have tried the "Sync Game Requests" trick with no luck - I have also have re-installed the games above in question - ATM none of my games will send a TOAST notification from Games Hub. I have a Nokia 800 and a LG Optimus 7 both patched fully. Both have the same problem. Would love if someone could shed some light on this.
I'm getting notifications still - but now Carcassonne doesn't work online. kind of ridiculous....
These seem to be a lot more reliable on WP8. Also, Carcassonne sucks in the sense that somebody has to be actively searching for a game while you are to get one going.
Carcassonne started working for one day and then quit. too funny. You can send invites to people directly to start games when they are not online. I hope they send a patch eventually to smooth this game out.
Carcassonne started working for one day and then quit. too funny. You can send invites to people directly to start games when they are not online. I hope they send a patch eventually to smooth this game out.
You and your opponent both have to be online to start a game together.

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