(GDR3 INFO YOU NEED) So who is updating to GDR3 when available later today?


New member
Mar 1, 2012
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First off, for those who didn't see the article: Get GDR3 today: Microsoft announces Windows Phone Preview for Developers | Windows Phone Central

Get this app to update: Preview for Developers | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)

So who is going to be updating their WPs today? For us AT&T 920 users, it is like getting two major updates in one week! I just signed up for App Studio program and started downloading the necessary files to developer-unlock my 920.

Call this Ambassador excited!

[WARN]This will most likely void your warranty until the official update hits your phone[/WARN]

[INFO]Quick info:
-You will still have Amber features on your phone
-You will not get Bittersweet with this update. It will still come with the official GDR3 update.
-You can not downgrade (User Toink is reporting that he/she successfully downgraded to GDR2 using Nokia Care Suite. Tread VERY carefully considering MS said you will not be able to do this.)
-You will be able to accept the official update without losing your data

To get the update:
1. Go here to register for Windows Phone App Studio: Windows Phone App Studio | Microsoft
2. Install this app to update: Preview for Developers | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)
For a video that describes the info in more detail, go here: http://www.windowscentral.com/video-microsoft-preview-for-developers-windows-phone-8-gdr3


[INFO]Features noticed to be working:
-Close from multitask screen
-Rotation Lock (though not the most convenient; issues with a couple isolated apps)
-Drive Mode present
-Custom call and text tones for each contact

Changes/Updates other users are reporting:
-From user luk3ja
  1. slight changes to data sense settings options
  2. reminders sound can now be changed
  3. phone storage break down is loadsss better and much much faster!
  4. new keyboard setting to switch back to letters after typing an emoticon
-Some users reporting better bluetooth support for car stereos

For articles from WPCentral regarding further GDR3 update information, check out these articles:

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Re: So who is updating to GDR3 when available later today?

I will start preparation as soon as I get home from work! I can't wait, I just hope apps don't complain that they aren't compatible with our version of Windows.
Re: So who is updating to GDR3 when available later today?

first off, for those who didn't see the article: get gdr3 today: Microsoft announces windows phone preview for developers | windows phone central

so who is going to be updating their 920s today? For us at&t users, it is like getting two major updates in one week! I just signed up for app studio program and started downloading the necessary files to developer-unlock my 920.

Call this ambassador excited!

as soon as it becomes available!!
Re: So who is updating to GDR3 when available later today?

I will start preparation as soon as I get home from work! I can't wait, I just hope apps don't complain that they aren't compatible with our version of Windows.

There shouldn't be any compatibility issues. I am more worried that there will be a run on downloading the update, and it will become unavailable for a little while. Maybe I am just over-estimating the number of tech savy WP users in the world though...
Re: So who is updating to GDR3 when available later today?

I'm going to sit this out until I start hearing feedback from the forums.

Once question I do have is will it remove the amber update? I mean are all of nokias improvements removed after I update to the developer ROM?
Re: So who is updating to GDR3 when available later today?

Hell yea. I am. God i hate the carriers update management >.<
Re: So who is updating to GDR3 when available later today?

I'll not be updating and waiting for user feedback
Re: So who is updating to GDR3 when available later today?

I'm going to sit this out until I start hearing feedback from the forums.

Once question I do have is will it remove the amber update? I mean are all of nokias improvements removed after I update to the developer ROM?

It should not. It will not however add bittersweet shimmer (or whatever it is called, I am having troubles keeping up now-a-days!)
Re: So who is updating to GDR3 when available later today?

I'll not be updating and waiting for user feedback

I bet there will be plenty of user feedback tonight! You can probably do that and still get it tonight.
Re: So who is updating to GDR3 when available later today?

Looking forward to testing this out later. Only question I guess I have is, is there a way to backup before u install the preview so you can restore if something goes wrong?
Re: So who is updating to GDR3 when available later today?

Looking forward to testing this out later. Only question I guess I have is, is there a way to backup before u install the preview so you can restore if something goes wrong?

Flashing via Nokia Retail will be the only way.. No downgrade by back,up as far as what is states on MSFT announcement
Re: So who is updating to GDR3 when available later today?

Looking forward to testing this out later. Only question I guess I have is, is there a way to backup before u install the preview so you can restore if something goes wrong?

It should work like an OTA update in which you don't need to reset anything. Also, when the official GDR3 comes out, you shouldn't lose anything there either. Lastly, you can't go back to GDR2 once you do this.
Re: So who is updating to GDR3 when available later today?

Since BitterSweet Shimmer is a Nokia update I'm guessing we will only get GDR3 and not BitterSweet Shimmer. Hopefully I am wrong like I was about GDR2 coming out on AT&T :)
Re: So who is updating to GDR3 when available later today?

Since BitterSweet Shimmer is a Nokia update I'm guessing we will only get GDR3 and not BitterSweet Shimmer. Hopefully I am wrong like I was about GDR2 coming out on AT&T :)

You are right. This has nothing to do with Nokia so you want get Bittersweet.
Re: So who is updating to GDR3 when available later today?

Ehh I guess ill do it! &#55357;&#56833;

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