Apps that are broken in GDR3 Developer Preview


Active member
Nov 13, 2012
Maybe it's just one app, but just in case, let's use this thread to list your device and which apps no longer work after installing GDR3.

Lumia 1020: Tapatalk opens, but can no longer open any of the forums I had in there.

Edit: This error also shows for some people on GDR2. Still, it worked for me on this 1020 before upgrading to GDR3.

Edit2: Tapatalk now works again for me, and not many people report a problem with it on GDR3. Maybe just general bugginess.
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Line: everything works fine but you can't see what you type since the keyboard now covers the text box
Oooo... tapatalk could be a show-stopper for me :/
Uninstall and reinstall?

Just tried, but when trying to 'Explore' it says "NotFound: There are conectivity issues, please try again latter". Even the English is broken.
Conversely, an app started working with the GDR3 update, namely the engadget app, which does not start before, magically started working with the update
NetGen Reader is broken when viewing with IE through menu (confirm). Maybe developer will fix it before the release.
NetGen Reader is broken when viewing with IE through menu (confirm). Maybe developer will fix it before the release.

Which device? That one seems to work fine for me. I can select "Open in Internet Explorer" and it opens just fine. Wait, let me close IE in the task switcher. Aaaahhh that feels good.
Oooo... tapatalk could be a show-stopper for me :/
Uninstall and reinstall?

Well today for no reason Tapatalk works again, and I have not seen many others post about it in GDR3. So it doesn't look like Tapatalk should hold you back upgrading to GDR3.

Now 'Line' is another story, lots of people having the keyboard issue.
Line: everything works fine but you can't see what you type since the keyboard now covers the text box

Yup, it's now not possible to see what you're typing, coupled with the fact that line doesn't use the autocorrect function on the WP keyboard.
no issue on L820
I tried randomly every apps.. notifications also works => skype, viber, FB
WWF has to be one of the most buggy games I have on my phone. As expected, it crashed after the GDR3 update and had to do a reinstall to fix it.

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