XBOX music cloud collection playlists not sync'ing to WP8

Jim Nakashima

New member
Dec 17, 2012
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I'm an XBOX Live Music subscriber and created 4 cloud collection playlists using my Surface RT.

Happily, those playlists automatically sync'd to my Windows Phone 8 - Nokia Lumia 920. I chose all the songs and downloaded local to the phone (need better UX workflow around this btw) so that I didn't have to rely on streaming.

Everything was fine.

At one point, a few changes to my playlists later, my phone no longer has the latest contents of the playlists that my surface and xbox do.

In one of the playlist, it's missing songs added, in another its songs deleted. Updated song order is missing in all playlists.

I can rename a playlist on the surface and have the new playlist name show up on the phone, the contents just aren't sync'ing.

I'm only using XBOX live music from my subscription. Pretty darn frustrated that a core scenario like this doesn't work.

How can I force the phone to update to the latest playlists?

I've double checked both my surface and phone are registered devices with XBOX music, I'm only using XBOX music songs... pretty crazy I'm running into any issues if you think about it since I'm being the model user, all cloud, xbox music subscriber, all Microsoft devices.



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