Bye Bye Zune - Hello Music


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Aug 25, 2011
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Thanks, TWB. Yes, expected. If and when ZunePass itself -or its downloading/price features by any othername- goes, I'm poised to migrate to BlackBerry, and in case that goes first, I'm scanning for other risky options because I love living on the edge. :)

Big Supes

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Sep 1, 2011
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When the recent rumours regarding Apollo were leaked 'bye bye Zune' was something I firmly believed would come to light. I mean, it just makes sense. For starters, "Zune" just doesn't resonate with anything 'Windows'. It sounds like a cheap pair of roller skates. Secondly, the software itself isn't worth getting too excited about. Fair enough it does the job to a degree, but I've never really rated it. It's quite slow and bit clunky. It doesn't communicate with the 360, you can't formulate playlists on the move, and it doesn't back up your purchased files via the cloud. It also a little buggy and there are big issues with Microsoft's current billing system... which is comforting to know is also being overhauled in Windows 8.


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Oct 31, 2011
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When the recent rumours regarding Apollo were leaked 'bye bye Zune' was something I firmly believed would come to light. I mean, it just makes sense. For starters, "Zune" just doesn't resonate with anything 'Windows'. It sounds like a cheap pair of roller skates. Secondly, the software itself isn't worth getting too excited about. Fair enough it does the job to a degree, but I've never really rated it. It's quite slow and bit clunky. It doesn't communicate with the 360, you can't formulate playlists on the move, and it doesn't back up your purchased files via the cloud. It also a little buggy and there are big issues with Microsoft's current billing system... which is comforting to know is also being overhauled in Windows 8.
This. Now I know lots of us here on wpcentral are fond of Zune, but for Microsoft to consolidate brands and get people familiar with the ecosystem Zune has to go. Xbox is a great brand that people already recognize unlike Zune so when Microsoft announces Xbox music and video/movies, people will be like cool more features. If Microsoft had to work with the Zune name its already a disadvantage to the platform because you have to educate people in order for them to understand it.

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Kahuna Cowboy

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The umpteen brands under the Microsoft umbrella serve to confuse the average computer owner. Most average consumers were unaware of what Zune even is.


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Mar 1, 2011
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Assuming the rumors are true... I really liked the Zune brand, I even liked the name. The software is great and has helped me find a ton of great artist. However, I think Microsoft is taking the right approach by evolving the service. Zune will have its legacy through the current Windows Phone UI, but the personal MP3 player market is in the decline. The market has changed and it's time for Zune to change with it. Renaming it Microsoft Music makes it easier for the general populous to understand. If they can work some magic and create a free Pandora like service with the option to purchase songs/albums then that will just be awesome.


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It's understandable, given that the name is associated with my beautiful, but discontinued devices. Strangers will still admire my silver one, in particular, and ask what it is. But, that they have to ask is telling, and then I have to tell them that it's discontinued and that even used ones can go for >$400, but that this is also telling.

A Zune Pass, by any other name, will sound as sweet...

I do hope that they retain the "desktop" software as it is. I have learned to use it very efficiently, and for such a complex streaming, 6-device syncing, and organizing platform, it rarely stumbles.


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As long as my 120 gb Zune and WP7 works with the music app, and I still get a "zune" pass with 10 monthly credits, they could call it whatever they want. I'm dieing to get a windows 8 tablet.


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Jan 21, 2012
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Now that WinMo is all but dead and buried, they should launch a Windows Media service. Zune player can become Windows Media Player as on the WinMo devices, and Windows Media Marketplace can be it's content sales channel. It would incorporate into the Windows Marketplace of course, as it does now. Windows Media Pass can replace Zune pass.



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Apr 13, 2012
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Has anyone heard of confirmed features for Xbox Music? Tiered music pass prices? Streaming music videos? Shared family libraries? Cloud Music locker?

AKA Preluva

Mar 15, 2012
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Hey thanks for buying our Zune products but you can go suck it now cause we got tired of supporting it! - Signed Microsucks! :mad:

What the **** am I supposed to do now? I have an original Zune 30gb and it & the software have been great! Only thing I've had to do was replace the battery and I just did that earlier this year. I just got used to Live id and now that's gone! This is grade A, premium B***S***! :straight:

AKA Preluva

Mar 15, 2012
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That 30gb Zune was made years ago. How long would you like them to support that hardware?

It's not like this is software ya know! That I would understand but they were still making these things not that long ago. Now they just want to pull the plug and walk away? Very bad idea. :mad:

I WAS thinking of buying a 120gb HD but now they can suck it easy!

AKA Preluva

Mar 15, 2012
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That 30gig came out in '06.
Really? It's been that long? Wow! Doesn't seem like it. Anyway these kind of shenanigans by a company do NOT instill trust in me. You know the kind of trust required for future purchases of MS products. I'm sorry they didn't sell billions the way they had hoped but you cannot just bail out on the millions that did buy one. :straight:


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Aug 25, 2011
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We have a Zune 80, ZHD32, and ZHD64, and regularly get support from MS's Support chat page. I've used Microsoft products satisfactorily for going on 30 years, and there's no one else out there in microcomputing that can say that, except maybe Intel.

Best Zuning and computing to all. :)

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