Biting the bullet and jumping in


New member
Mar 10, 2017
So, I have been an active member at a sister site, CrackBerry. I purchased my first BlackBerry in 2005 and I have been a user pretty much ever since. I have left at times only to return. I have always loved my physical keyboards and BlackBerry's build construction. However, I feel as though all of that is changing now. BlackBerry has abandoned BB10. My prized BB10 phones such as the Classic and the Passport are dying a slow and painful death. BlackBerry has decided to go the route of using Android on their devices now. I have the Priv, their first foray into BlackBerry Android, and have been patiently awaiting their new offering in the KEYone. The problem with the Priv, and assumingly the KEYone, is that the have Android...which I absolutely do not like. I have tried, and tried, and tried, to get on board with Android. Unfortunately, despite what phone I have used running it, it has the same reoccurring issues. Battery drain. Apps crashing. System stalling. God the system stalling. Every time I try to use one I start with feeling hopeful and then that quickly fades away.

Therefore I am now forced to perhaps abandon the platform that I have supported for well over a decade. A platform that I own stock in. I have been a dedicated user, a faithful soldier. I am still going to buy the KEYone when it is finally released. I will give it a honest try. But given that it has Android I am not overly hopeful that I will be pleased.

As much as I dislike Android though I have a similar disdain for iPhone. I d not care for their ecosystem and I do not like the general attitude towards Apple and how they can seemingly do no wrong. That lead me with no viable option for a smartphone with the exception of Windows. During one of my times away from BlackBerry I had used a Dell Venue Pro which I thoroughly enjoyed. Later I used the HTC M8 which was good, albeit got hot. Both great phones at their time.

Upon making the decision to start a slow integration into Windows Phone I started looking at handsets. This is where I was most surprised. It does not seems that there has been many handsets released recently. I see the 950/950xl. Both which I was familiar with having read about them at the time of their release. I also discovered the HP Elite X3 and the Alcatel Idol 4S. I was prepared to pull the trigger on the Elite X3 that was being sold here in the Marketplace when I stumbled upon the Idol 4S being sold at half the price. I pulled the trigger and purchased a new in the box device for $250.

SO, long post to get here. Are there any tips or information that I should know about in regards to this phone? Any suggestions one could give in setting it up, etc? Thank you for reading my post and commenting.
Oh, and just to be transparent. I am, and will continue to be, highly involved in BlackBerry. I am in no ways abandoning them. Just trying to prepare for what may come.
I think the market abandoned BB. I loved my 6300, liked my Pearl, hated the idiotic Q10. (Though I was a big fan of Qt when I used KDE on SUSE.)

Enjoy your device.

Sent from mTalk
Hello, Great post. I came from WebOS and weighed all my options heavily, until I came into the conclusion that Windows would power me, and have never looked back. I seriously obsessed for hours and hours of each day over the course of a couple months and decided that the way that windows covers many areas with one device. Is what I wanted. My phone with Continuum can cover my PC needs, or my Surface 2 LTE covers my tablet and laptop needs, and my Surface Book covers the Laptop Ultrabook and tablet needs. All overlap beautifully, and all transfer form to what my needs are at any given time. I could've just made done with one but because of my business I make do with all of them and they can all perform to point all I need to do. It is truly beautiful, and fluid computing gas changed how I see technology.
My advice is only to avoid the insider rings if the IDOL is your main phone. I made the mistake of immediately going for the insider fast ring preview, and had to use the WRRT tool to reimage it back. Reimaging the device can also be a great way to have a clean-running mobile, too.
My advice is only to avoid the insider rings if the IDOL is your main phone. I made the mistake of immediately going for the insider fast ring preview, and had to use the WRRT tool to reimage it back. Reimaging the device can also be a great way to have a clean-running mobile, too.

Back when I had the M8, the 930 and the 1520 (I had forgotten to mention that I had the 1520 and 930 for a long while too) I used the Insider slow ring. I didn't have issues necessarily back then. I was hesitant to try the fast ring though.
I would recommend the stock build for now, no issues on my Idol 4 S and RS2 if/when it becomes available this month. You will love this phone so fast and smooth. :-)
Just that you should spend a good bit of time learning the tricks with Windows 10 Mobile. It really is a beautiful and fluid operating system, especially on a phone as powerful as the Idol 4s. The Creators Update makes it run great so look forward to that update. If you do consider the Insider Program I wouldn't suggest anything but the Release Preview Ring. I actually really like using the Release Preview Ring on my main devices as those update are almost always just as stable as a production build and it's nice getting those bug fixing updates a little early. I mean, my Surface Pro 4 didn't have to deal with any of the faff of the Creator Update while it was being built, but I got the final build a week before everyone else through the Release Preview Ring. Just something to think about.
If eager to be an insider, you can always find a cheaper 650/550/640 to use while keeping the Idol 4s as a daily driven device. I just got a 650 for 31 dollars the other day. Great little phone.
I had a BB curve, current phone Q5. Also a big windows 10 fan.

I'll be doing the same when they unify the mobile and desktop platforms (windows 10 on arm). Love 10 on my tablet and desktop.

I don't generally spend a lot of money on tech. I shop around. But the 4S is very solid both power and price. And I am big on sound quality, and that phone pulls out some stops.
If eager to be an insider, you can always find a cheaper 650/550/640 to use while keeping the Idol 4s as a daily driven device. I just got a 650 for 31 dollars the other day. Great little phone.

$31 off contract? Or was it on contract with Cricket?
My advice is only to avoid the insider rings if the IDOL is your main phone. I made the mistake of immediately going for the insider fast ring preview, and had to use the WRRT tool to reimage it back. Reimaging the device can also be a great way to have a clean-running mobile, too.
I'm on the fast ring and no problems. Phone runs great. Only thing id say to do is def get a case and tempered glass screen protectors the phone looks great but very slippery in hand with no case. There's also some well known headphone jack issues

Sent from Idol 4s
I'm on the fast ring and no problems. Phone runs great. Only thing id say to do is def get a case and tempered glass screen protectors the phone looks great but very slippery in hand with no case. There's also some well known headphone jack issues

Sent from Idol 4s

Thank you for the advice. I had read the review here in the forums for the Liquid Glass. I ordered some and it should be in tomorrow. I was going to try that product although I am slightly hesitant. I always use a TG protector and case. I just thought that the Idol is such a good looking phone that I didn't want to hide it. I may change my mind though.
If eager to be an insider, you can always find a cheaper 650/550/640 to use while keeping the Idol 4s as a daily driven device. I just got a 650 for 31 dollars the other day. Great little phone.

I was thinking of picking up a second phone too. I have been really excited about the new BlackBerry KEYone but the constant delays are getting to me and making me think twice.
There's also some well known headphone jack issues

Sent from Idol 4s

I have read this about the phone. I find that weird as it seems like an odd issue. That being said I rarely, if ever, use the headphone jack. Everything I have operates over BT.
I was thinking of picking up a second phone too. I have been really excited about the new BlackBerry KEYone but the constant delays are getting to me and making me think twice.
Looks like May time frame.
I think this is a really good choice for a phone, future wise. With 4gb, and being recent, it should be able to get the windows 10 on arm upgrade when it comes. Then, you'll basically have a whole new phone :)
Thank you for the advice. I had read the review here in the forums for the Liquid Glass. I ordered some and it should be in tomorrow. I was going to try that product although I am slightly hesitant. I always use a TG protector and case. I just thought that the Idol is such a good looking phone that I didn't want to hide it. I may change my mind though.
It's definitely a great looking phone and i almost never buy cases of screen protectors but this phone is too slippery more so than any other phones i had....i felt like i NEEDED a case and a screen protector lol

I have read this about the phone. I find that weird as it seems like an odd issue. That being said I rarely, if ever, use the headphone jack. Everything I have operates over BT.

My car has aux port, so I'm stuck. But i talked to Alcatel on twitter they are saying you need a 3 ring aux cord for this phone ive been using a 2 ring, when i get some time this weekend I'm going to try Walmart or best buy and see if i can find a 3 ring aux cord to see if that works. I had bought a cheap one at 5 below after checking target and they didn't have one and it didn't work at all but I'll chalk that one up to a cheap cord
Sent from Idol 4s

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