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Oct 5, 2012
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My thoughts...

• I think its one of the ugliest phones I've ever seen. Looks like a combo of the z10 and iPhone gone very very wrong!
• 1080p is ridiculous. Absolutely no need, for a 4.7in screen, 720p is more than enough! Now your just wasting battery. Especially when it is only 2300mah.
• no qi charging. This should be standard now.
• the new sense they have is hideous. On a quad core 1.7ghz device, it still seemed sluggish. They combined the fun looking kin tiles and the informative live tiles of wp but decided to leave out the live part and the fun part.
• quad core? Really. I know this isn't HTC 's fault but Windows Phone and iPhone and even BB10 is faster than Android, and they have half the processing power!


I might sound ridiculous, but my buddy here thinks I'm completely wrong about all this and I would like to see what you all think!

paras chugh

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Jan 29, 2013
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reasonable points....the camera competition between htc one,lumia 920,nokia 808 pureview and the upcoming rumoured nokia's EOS will be thrilling !!


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Oct 5, 2012
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reasonable points....the camera competition between htc one,lumia 920,nokia 808 pureview and the upcoming rumoured nokia's EOS will be thrilling !!

Right? That's the only thing I see going for this. Its frightening me what the future HTC Windows Phone devices will be like..


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Jan 2, 2013
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It sounds like it just isn't your cup of tea. I disagree on almost every point:

- I think the design is fantastic, especially in black. It does look like some of the other phones out there, but with an HTC feel.

- I think 1080p is a fine feature. Do you need it? Not really, but you can tell the difference above 720p.

- Can't easily do inductive charging with an aluminum body.

- I have always liked Sense, and I think that it does add value for some. It isn't for everyone, but I like what they have done.

- Android does seem sluggish at times, but most folks won't ever notice.

I think its a great phone for HTC, and it makes me excited for their next Windows Phone.


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Feb 21, 2012
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I don't think it's an ugly phone and I actually quite like the look of it. It reminds me of the HTC Hero and Legend from back in the day and I was quite fond of those phones.

The only thing I don't like is the way Sense looks. Looks a bit too busy.

I'm sure the screen looks nice but a lot of the power will go into the screen. I don't care if it's Android, WP, iOS etc but I think 1080p for a screen that small is overkill.


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Sep 30, 2012
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The camera is amazing!. The video it takes is beautiful and from the video I saw it didn't have any of the annoying white balance issues like the L920 and the pictures are pin sharp unlike the L920's which still amazes me the **** is this phones camera still so soft compared to all the other smart phones


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Jul 6, 2012
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I think its one of the best looking phones I've ever seen. Infact its the first phone that's made me question my 920... sadly 😢 I guess we'll see how it does come march, who knows maybe Nokia will step up to the plate and blow this thing outa the water.


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Oct 6, 2012
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I think its one of the best looking phones I've ever seen. Infact its the first phone that's made me question my 920... sadly  I guess we'll see how it does come march, who knows maybe Nokia will step up to the plate and blow this thing outa the water.

Same here, there were no other phones on the market that even made me question my 920 until the One hit. I have no interest in the Sony Z or GS4 but the HTC One is a great looking phone. It would have even made me think about staying with Android had it been out when I bought my 920. I'm still mostly glad that I went with WP8 and my L920 but I can't say I won't be somewhat envious of people who I see with this phone.

And I wish Nokia put an IR transmitter on the L920 like the One and GS4, that would have been handy.


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Nov 12, 2012
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I love the camera on my 920 as well. It's why I bought it, but the decision had nothing to do with the megapixel count.

Let's be generous and assume that everyone seeing our photos has a 1920x1080 display (1280x800 would be a more realistic resolution, but hey - I'm feeling generous). Now let's also assume that everyone is viewing our photos at full screen with no browser chrome around it. The full deal - all 1920x1080 pixels. That's still only 2MP. So what's happening here is that you're shooting your 8.7MP shot and posting it to Facebook or Twitter or whatever. In order to save space and increase download speeds to the user, those services compress the image to ~2 or 3MP. Most of your friends aren't going to view your photos at full-size, they'll see the thumbnails in the little window in the news feed or whatever, which is closer to 0.5MP.

The only scenario where you're really going to need the extra pixels is if you're doing considerable cropping. The problem here is that because the marketing department is constantly pushing to create this false need for more megapixels so they can put a larger number on the box, manufacturers are having to cram more and more pixels into the same tiny sensor size. That makes each pixel less and less sensitive and reliable, and introduces a lot more noise and weird artifacts into the image. So when you view these "wonderful" 8.7MP images at 1:1 (full size), you notice that they look horrible, and your cropped images are all distorted and messy and noisy, as opposed to the cropped in images from a more reasonable pixel count, which is ~5MP in a tiny sensor found in a phone.

So what HTC did here is tried to dispel the "more is better" myth by putting a larger sensor with fewer pixels in it. I applaud their efforts, and this is a step in the right direction. I don't know if they realized that the sensor is only a small part of the whole system, and in order to get better image quality like what you find on the 920, you need a good lens and good back-end processing software also, but someone over there decided to buck the system, and that's a good thing.

What I'm saying here is that nobody I know has needed more than 4 megapixels in their phones. If we're shooting for magazines or billboards, we're not using a crappy little cellphone camera - we're using a large, dedicated camera. We're using phones to share memories and ideas on Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr/etc, and 4MP is more than enough for that.


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Dec 19, 2012
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This is a gorgeous phone
have you even seen the reviews?

Ive been using wp7/8 since day 1
i never considered going to another OS.. till i saw htc one
and now im strongly considering exchaning my Lumia 920 for it


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Dec 19, 2012
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I was referring to your "On a quad core 1.7ghz device, it still seemed sluggish"

you must not have seen any of the video reviews if you thought it was sluggish.

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