BBM isn't coming to WP after all


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Jun 8, 2013
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Sure, let's look at the facts.. WP8 was released on October 29th, 2012. BB10 released on January 30th, 2013
WP8 amount of apps: 128,933 (November 24th, 2013) BB10 amount of apps: 130,000 (Sept. 27, 2013)
Number of WP8 devices: 22 (List of Windows Phone 8 devices - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) Number of BB10 devices: 4

So WP8 has been around longer and is offered on more devices, market share isn't an equal comparison

lets look at the real facts:
1) WP has over 200,000 apps according to MS and these are REAL apps such as instagram, path, vine, subway surfer, temple run 2 etc... Not the 46,000 cr*p city guides that BBW has

2) between October and January is only 3 months. So unless you're telling me that WP got a huge lead in 3 months, then there's something wrong.

3) BB sold 1 million BB10 in the same amount of time Nokia sold 9 million
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Oct 19, 2013
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Now what's really needed is a Windows Phone Messenger. Apple has their own version, as does BlackBerry obviously. One that only works with Windows Phone devices around the world!

you can use Messenger? Add them online. Or use skype! Both by Microsoft!


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Nov 19, 2013
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BBm and Blackberry will be dead soon. Google, ios and windows are trying to integrate the os over all devices. Although ios on ipad or iPhone does not look like mac os the basic Linux base is similar. Google has chrome laptops and soon chrome phones and Android tablets and basic Android laptops. Windows has the closest integration over devices. WP, RT and Windows 8.1. That is what got me to Lumia 1020,1520 Windows phone and Nokia 2520 tablet. After the disaster of 8.0, I installed 8.1 on my laptop and was sold. My company that has 2000 employees has dropped BBRY as a choice for phones. Although the main IT guy has a windows surface pro, we are waiting for MSFT phone to be added to our choice. I use whatsapp and all of my family and friends use it. Asking for BBM for windows now is like buying a TV at a store closing sale and asking for a store guarantee on a 3 year warranty. The store will be long gone before the warranty will.


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Oct 20, 2013
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well , i have a better suggestion for microsoft , if blackberry is not providing bbm to wp phones , then microsoft should take out skype from blackberry phones.
then bb users will see how deep in water they are. :winktongue:


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Mar 24, 2012
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well , i have a better suggestion for microsoft , if blackberry is not providing bbm to wp phones , then microsoft should take out skype from blackberry phones.
then bb users will see how deep in water they are. :winktongue:

I'm pretty sure they could but they don't need to. Microsoft was responsible of BB's tumble in Enterprise with activesync etc. But since Microsoft is now approaching the enterprise market with the enterprise pack in WP8.1 where BB's stronghold is. I'm very sure Microsoft isn't gonna give BB any mercy at all.


Jan 14, 2013
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I put this in the Crackberry thread about BBM on WP, but I'll repost it here.

Last month, the place where I work was deciding on what IM app to use since it was easier than emailing and our IT guys aren't really fond of excessive emailing (they're kind of anal about it actually). We were going through the options at a meeting where all of us attended and someone in our group suggested BBM (side note: I've seen at least 5 Windows Phones in the wild, yet this guy was the only person I know who has a BB10 device. I'm sorry if that doesn't line up with what you see, but I have seen 1 total), which is when everyone was like "oh, yeah, that's on all of the phones now" and everyone was feeling a little nostalgic until I pointed out that myself and one of the managers had Windows Phones (I have a 1520 and he has a 920) and that BB doesn't have an app for WP. Do you know what happened? Did they tell us to get new phones? did they offer to buy us cheap androids? nope. What happened was that we canned the idea of using BBM. One girl even made the exact quote: "dumb Blackberry, I thought they were suppose to be a billion dollar company, I didn't realize they're that poor". In the end we decided to use WhatsApp and BBM lost about 20 potential new active members.

See, here's the gist... Yes, Windows Phone only has an 8% market share worldwide, but do you know what that means? That means that unless someone has very few friends, that they all know at least one person who has a Windows Phone. Now I know that a lot of people here claim that they've never seen a Windows Phone ever, but they usually then go on to say that WP is DOA and they know at least 20 friends with BB10 devices, so those comments can be thrown right out.** I'm trailing off again, but this basically means that if people want to use a cross-platform messaging app, that they can't use BBM because one or two of their friends don't have it.

Now it's simple to say "oh, well, then they'll leave WP, because it $ucks M$ herp derp"** but come one now.... People will change IM services before they change OSes, because guess what? Most people don't care what they use, as long as it works. Is BBM great? yes, but is it so great that it's worth learning a whole new OS (even if it takes minimal time) and repurchasing apps? no. It's the same thing as my company. Most people didn't care to use WhatsApp and since then I've never heard a single complaint. They even WANTED to use BBM, but since it wasn't cross-platform, they couldn't (and they even got mad at BB for it, so double-lose there). I completely understand the reasoning behind it, but they need to get BBM to WP pronto, even if it's only half-baked in features.

** yes, they were actually writing stuff like that

You use WhatsApp for corp IM?!!! Please tell us who you work for - I want to be sure I never do business with this company, ever.


Jan 17, 2014
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well , i have a better suggestion for microsoft , if blackberry is not providing bbm to wp phones , then microsoft should take out skype from blackberry phones.
then bb users will see how deep in water they are. :winktongue:

That doesn't accomplish anything. If you run 10.1+, you can side load the Android APK. I'd you are running 10.2.1, you can install one of the Android markets on to your phone, and download it from there. (i.e: Amazon, Snap/google play).

Sent from my BlackBerry Z30 using Tapatalk.


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Jan 19, 2014
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Oh boy this conversation about app numbers is painful. It's like two last place teams fighting over which one sucks less. Both BB10 and WP sucks in the native app department. I think we can all agree upon that. We like BB10 and WP8 because their are other aspects of the device we like and value more over apps. On the plus side, both have good HTML5 browsers according to, MS has deep pockets to buy developers if they choose so, and BlackBerry has the Jellybean runtime to run android apps. MS has a better shot at expanding native apps over BlackBerry for sure. Developers have no motivation because they an just port an android app (Eg: skype) over, or 10.2.1 users can just install the various Android markets to get the missing apps.

Sent from my BlackBerry Z30 using Tapatalk.
This. About WP vs BBRY i feel, WP is here for the long run,it still seems to have small momentum thanks to the Nokia hardware for now,much more than Microsoft while Blackberry still doesn`t seem to show any sign of revival in terms of native apps /sales numbers. But again,we are talking about two platforms which are so far behind the big 2.


Jan 17, 2014
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This. About WP vs BBRY i feel, WP is here for the long run,it still seems to have small momentum thanks to the Nokia hardware for now,much more than Microsoft while Blackberry still doesn`t seem to show any sign of revival in terms of native apps /sales numbers. But again,we are talking about two platforms which are so far behind the big 2.

Agreed. In terms of native apps, MS has a better shot than BlackBerry. I still think MS will fail, but I hope they don't. Competition is good. But with this Android runtime, I really don't care about BlackBerry native app situation as long as this runtime works. I'm using Tapatalk which I downloaded from the Google market. Yes, it's ugly and not as nice as a native bb10 app, but it works. So from my perspective, I don't have an app gap thanks to this Android runtime.

I'm not a big app person. Give me Facebook to keep in touch with my family, good browser, and a good email/keyboard experience, then it's good enough. Anything else is icing on the cake.

Sent from my BlackBerry Z30 using Tapatalk.


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Nov 13, 2012
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I'm sure WP support will come in the future for BBM. If I recall I saw comments that BES10 would support WP8 eventually. I would guess BBM would support WP8 around that same time. When you look at market share it makes sense why BlackBerry is going for Android and IOS first. Yes WP8 is growing, but Android and iOS still have the largest slice of the piece so it makes sense to start there.

CrackBerry Kevin

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May 24, 2011
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FYI, updated the first post on this thread. This isn't the case at all. See my interview with Alex from the BBM team here. If you're looking to source BlackBerry stuff, don't trust anybody but ME. :)

We talk Windows Phone at the end of the interview.


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Dec 14, 2013
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That doesn't accomplish anything. If you run 10.1+, you can side load the Android APK. I'd you are running 10.2.1, you can install one of the Android markets on to your phone, and download it from there. (i.e: Amazon, Snap/google play).

Sent from my BlackBerry Z30 using Tapatalk.

Well, the actual Skype app on BBWorld is not native, but it's a ported Android app, so it's the same, MSFT can pull Skype anytime they want...


Jan 17, 2014
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Well, the actual Skype app on BBWorld is not native, but it's a ported Android app, so it's the same, MSFT can pull Skype anytime they want...

I'm aware that it's an Android app, and MS could pull it. But as noted in my message, it doesn't matter. I have various Android markets on my phone. I can download and install an app as easily as I can on BBW. When BlackBerry releases 10.2.1 (I'm running a leak), then people won't be dependent on BBW.

The app gap with BlackBerry is over. Granted they are ugly Android apps, but they work. WiFi, bluetooth, share menu. Much tighter integration into the OS than it was under v10.1.

Again, main point is that I'm certain BBM will come to WP8 in due course . As I said before, I'm sure soon as BBM Voice, Video, and Screen share are on the iOS/Android version, they will do WP8. It's a matter of marketshare...the same reason why developers don't make native BB10 and WP8 apps.

Sent from my BlackBerry Z30 using Tapatalk.


Retired Ambassador
Jun 8, 2013
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The app gap with BlackBerry is over.
Sent from my BlackBerry Z30 using Tapatalk.

what???? Haha dude, I realize that you're a fan of BB, but lets get back to reality for a second. You're not going to convince hardly anyone that "if you run a leak, then go to a third party app store, you can download this app" is the same as "the app gap with blackberry is over". Sure, maybe some of your techie friends, but not the average consumer or businesses (which make up most of the smartphone sales). The app gap is not over unless Google Play or some other app store comes natively built into BB10. I'm sorry if that's not what you think, but it's the truth. If someone really wanted Android apps, they'd buy an Android.

Also, just because YOU know how to get a non-native Skype, doesn't mean that everyone who uses a BB10 device does, so while pulling the app may not affect YOU, it could affect businesses that rely on Skype and don't want to run a non-BBW app on their phones.
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Jan 17, 2014
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I agree, you have to know what you are doing. I should have clarified that any app gap is over for me. My apologies. I'm not a big app user myself. I like social media like Facebook. But for me, a good keyboard experience is my main concern. At this point, only bb10 has a good virtual keyboard, followed by Android's swype app. I don't like iPhone or WP8 keyboard at all.

Anyways, MS is not stupid to pull Skype. It makes them money from the users that use the premium services and it doesn't cost them anything more since it's an Android app.

Sent from my BlackBerry Z30 using Tapatalk.


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Sep 16, 2012
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Why can't MS create a skype / wp messenger. To have skype already integrated into the app. That would give windows phone more exposure. Make it exclusive.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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Aug 12, 2013
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plz don't bother about BBM, everyone.
BB is dying. soon the BBM shall. apart from all those news, two recent news in last 2 days: -
1. many enterprises are shifting their company phones from BB to WP. (
2. Apple, Samsung n Micromax, fighting for the Talent (employed personnel) leaving from BB, giving them high packages, which is encouraging these IT Pro's. (News from Economic Times front page yesterday).

P. S.: - sorry to post link to other forum, it was just for sharing a news.
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Jan 7, 2014
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You are probably wrong.
Many people predicted BB ending before the end of 2013, but they were proven completely wrong.
OS10 is a masterpiece. Have you ever used a Z10, or a Q10 or even a Q5?
I am a Z10 owner and I would not give it away even if they gave me for free a Z30 or any other phone, android or WP. I am not even mentioning an iPhone.

I am not trying to say that other OSs are not good but in the end it is what suits one best.

BB has made many mistakes (like not delivering BBM for WP), but now with Chen on the lead things are way better.
Wait and you shall see.

I really hope that BBM will become a true cross platform application.

PS: forgot to mention that media is truly broadcasting what you are saying, but I believe that they are not always speaking unbiased.

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