Why can my callers not hear me?


WPCentral Question

I know a lot of other people have had this issue, but I haven't seen this exact problem - my issue is with normal calls, not speakerphone. Whenever a call is started or answered on my phone, the caller cannot hear anything from my end. However, when I then switch to speakerphone, they can hear me. This mean I have to answer every call using speakerphone.

I have a Nokia 925. No idea how old it is, it was found on a church site, not working, and was unclaimed.

Earlier, I went through the "FAQ - The person I am calling on my Lumia cannot hear me" steps, and here are my answers to them.

1. The microphone is not muted, and switching the phone to mute and back again during the call doesn't help.

2. I have had this problem in every area I have tried to call/answer a call, including in a very quiet room (which is where I tested the problem with someone else a couple of times).

3. Happens on both outgoing and incoming calls.

4. I don't have any headphones with microphones, so I can't do this.

5. This one is strange. It asks you to pick one option, yet I did both and only one worked. The audio note recorded fine, and I could hear myself on playback, but the Skype call did not, I couldn't hear anything when it was played back to me.

6. As far as I can see, the microphone is not blocked. My video and audio recordings wouldn't be picking sound up if it was blocked, so it's fair to assume it's fine.

Summary: Video/audio recordings and speakerphone work, Skype and normal calls do not - caller cannot hear me. Tried all the tests, as well as restarting it. Background noise is not an issue. Both starting and receiving calls. Microphone is not muted.

Very annoying to not be able to use my phone properly! Is it a software or hardware thing?


Retired Ambassador
Sep 26, 2014
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It's a hardware issue. Your phone has more than 1 microphone. And your "call" microphone is not functioning.
So send it in for repair or try to repair it yourself (check for a YouTube "how-to-do-it)

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