Tutorial for switching to Android or iOS?


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Jan 7, 2013
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Like many WP enthusiast, I am considering jumping ship now (a day I thought would never come), but I haven`t used Android since I got my Lumia 800 and I am using my work iPhone like a grandma, stumbling around, since I am so used to how WP works. I think I am not alone.

Would you guys consider doing 2 "tutorials", one for Android and one for iOS to help us with the switch?

I know Zac did a review of MS apps on those 2 platforms, but what I was thinking of is more of "this is how you use Android if you are coming from WP... this is how this and that works overe here on iOS 10 as opposed to WP"

PS: my personal "deadline" is Build... if we don`t get any timeline on Surface Phone (or whatever it will be called) I am picking up an S8. The HW is just too gorgeous. If they do give us "something", I could be convinced to pick up a Lumia 950 to replace my aging 930 for the next 12-18 months.
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Mar 17, 2014
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Other than what you've seen or heard, read up on apps and features you can use on iOS or Android. I just recently grabbed the iPhone 7 and started downloading whatever Microsoft app I could think of. OneNote, OneDrive and To-Do; Word, Excel and Power Point will all come later - it's currently updating.

One thing I have to mention is Bluetooth: link your phones together and sync your contacts. You will be all set.

I will continue to use Microsoft services, only due to me being so engrossed into the ecosystem. I will probably carry my 950 XL with me still.

I'm not happy with the switch, to be honest. I couldn't do Android or Google, as I totally despise that company. I will continue to enjoy the Microsoft services if they die...well, I'll have a backup then.

As for your deadline, I don't think there is any hurry for a phone just yet. I was thinking of waiting, too, but listening to Dan's latest "Ask Dan Windows" I know I needed to switch. If they display any type of mobile device on Build or their Device Event, you know I will jump on their wagon first notice.


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Jan 7, 2013
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Thanks for your comment. I know i can "just switch and use it", or read up on it and yes, i was planning on syncing contacts via BT, but a few trips and tricks from the pros wouldn`t hurt and I think many of us are in the same shoes right about now.

Oddly enough, i just realized, I may have to switch browsers too (from Edge to Chrome) if I want to keep my bookmarks and passwords synced between my desktop and my phone. I will also have to figure out where I may need to press long, double tap, swipe up, down, left, right to quickly get to a menu etc. Come to think of it, on the Android side, maybe these are vastly different per manufacturere... no idea, been a while.

Anyway, will do my homework on my own, if I am alone with this idea here...

PS: I get how you feel about Android. I was trying to pick the least worse option of the two and I feel the same way about Apple, like you feel about Google.

Laura Knotek

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Mar 31, 2012
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Thanks for your comment. I know i can "just switch and use it", or read up on it and yes, i was planning on syncing contacts via BT, but a few trips and tricks from the pros wouldn`t hurt and I think many of us are in the same shoes right about now.

Oddly enough, i just realized, I may have to switch browsers too (from Edge to Chrome) if I want to keep my bookmarks and passwords synced between my desktop and my phone. I will also have to figure out where I may need to press long, double tap, swipe up, down, left, right to quickly get to a menu etc. Come to think of it, on the Android side, maybe these are vastly different per manufacturere... no idea, been a while.

Anyway, will do my homework on my own, if I am alone with this idea here...

PS: I get how you feel about Android. I was trying to pick the least worse option of the two and I feel the same way about Apple, like you feel about Google.
Hi there. I made the switch two years ago. You might want to check out my thread here at Android Central. https://www.google.com/amp/forums.a...ft-user-tries-android-guess-what-s-great.html

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