T-Mobile Hates Windows Phone 8


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Aug 29, 2006
I've posted this at the official T-Mobile Support forums as well here: T-Mobile Hates Windows Phone 8 | T-Mobile Support

There's no other explanation why they have so poorly handled the launch of the Lumia 925. There is still no landing page on the website, Some store managers still argue the fact that the phone even exists! The Xperia Z has had a landing page since July 10th, and even went up for pre-order today (July 16). This phone shares the launch date with the Lumia 925, so why isn't the Windows Phone getting the same treatment? Because it's a Windows Phone.

Who cares if the Lumia 521 is selling faster than stores can keep them stocked? Who cares if Windows Phone is the third ranked mobile operating system in the world (over Blackberry)? I do, that's who. I've been looking forward to the Lumia 925 since it was announced for T-Mobile in May. I switched to T-Mobile in anticipation of purchasing this phone!

I have to say T-Mobile's wireless service is good. Its customer support and knowledge is pitiful. Its handling of this high-tier device is deplorable. I am livid that this amazing device is being treated as if it doesn't exist.

If you agree with me, let T-Mobile know. Post on the thread linked above, and post to T-Mobile's Twitter (@TMobile and @TMobileHelp) with the hashtag #tmohateswp8 until we get a response. Not only for this most recent debacle, but for the missing updates for and premature EOLs of other Windows Phone devices.


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Aug 16, 2012
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I would also send the tweets to @WindowsPhone, @MicrosoftStore (for their equally poor handling of the launch), @Nokia, @NokiaUS (or is it @NokiaUSA?). Is Elop on Twitter?


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Jun 3, 2013
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This is actually a fantastic idea. Put social media to work and see if we can get a positive response, or at least a definitive answer from T-Mobile. Nokia, and Microsoft.

@TMobileHelp @TMobile @NokiaUS @NokiaHelps @windowsphone Why does T-Mobile appear to hate Windows Phone? http://support.t-mobile.com/thread/45361 #tmohateswp8
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May 22, 2013
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I strongly support this no doubt.... i have an 810 and i could not tell you how frustrated and furious i am the moment i found out that we will no longer get any support going forward because of TMO EOL'ing it. I think any WP8 devices that are "EXCLUSIVE" to TMO should be dubbed RED FLAG.


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Dec 2, 2011
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It gets much worse than that.

I have a friend who has been using a Lumia 710 for the last two years and was rather fond of Windows Phone. She knew of the Lumia 925, she knew the launch date, and she was happy that it was only days after her upgrade was available.

She went to a T-Mobile store to upgrade.......
and left with a brand new Galaxy S4.

Not only did T-Mobile not sell her the phone she was going to get, they took a Windows Phone user and talked her out of getting the Lumia 925.

While it was obvious T-Mobile wasn't exactly helping WP gain new users, in this case they actually took an existing user off of the platform.

Deplorable behavior.


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May 22, 2013
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It gets much worse than that.

I have a friend who has been using a Lumia 710 for the last two years and was rather fond of Windows Phone. She knew of the Lumia 925, she knew the launch date, and she was happy that it was only days after her upgrade was available.

She went to a T-Mobile store to upgrade.......
and left with a brand new Galaxy S4.

Not only did T-Mobile not sell her the phone she was going to get, they took a Windows Phone user and talked her out of getting the Lumia 925.

While it was obvious T-Mobile wasn't exactly helping WP gain new users, in this case they actually took an existing user off of the platform.

Deplorable behavior.

Oh yea i remember that... i came from android and when i got the 810, they told me that they would have to make some minor modifications on my plan (data-wise) because its a different platform which was pretty new to me because i didn't think it would make any difference...


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Oct 31, 2012
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Don't forget that they completely pooped on Lumia 810 purchasers. An LTE capable device that didn't get the software update from T-Mo. They'd argue that nobody bought the 810. Well, most people probably didn't even know it existed T-Mo.


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May 22, 2013
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.... which was sad for 810 because it has so much potential....... Expandable to 64gb... LTE Capable... ****... it could very well be on par with 920 as it has the same exact freagen processor chip!... Removable battery was a big plus and its life is stellar... the display resolution of 810 in comparison to 920 is almost identical to a normal person.. i really thought it was a great device - and i still think it is..


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Dec 20, 2012
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I've posted this at the official T-Mobile Support forums as well here: T-Mobile Hates Windows Phone 8 | T-Mobile Support

There's no other explanation why they have so poorly handled the launch of the Lumia 925. There is still no landing page on the website, Some store managers still argue the fact that the phone even exists! The Xperia Z has had a landing page since July 10th, and even went up for pre-order today (July 16). This phone shares the launch date with the Lumia 925, so why isn't the Windows Phone getting the same treatment? Because it's a Windows Phone.

Who cares if the Lumia 521 is selling faster than stores can keep them stocked? Who cares if Windows Phone is the third ranked mobile operating system in the world (over Blackberry)? I do, that's who. I've been looking forward to the Lumia 925 since it was announced for T-Mobile in May. I switched to T-Mobile in anticipation of purchasing this phone!

I have to say T-Mobile's wireless service is good. Its customer support and knowledge is pitiful. Its handling of this high-tier device is deplorable. I am livid that this amazing device is being treated as if it doesn't exist.

If you agree with me, let T-Mobile know. Post on the thread linked above, and post to T-Mobile's Twitter (@TMobile and @TMobileHelp) with the hashtag #tmohateswp8 until we get a response. Not only for this most recent debacle, but for the missing updates for and premature EOLs of other Windows Phone devices.

OP, while I agree with you, we saw this same movie during the WP8 launch in November. Overpricing both the 8X and 810. If you think the 925 launch was bad, you must have not seen what happened in November with the 810 & 8X. Over in the 810 forums, we have a joke that "if it doesn't sell, t-mo will EOL". I honestly think they did themselves no favors by not launching the 925 before the 1020 announcement. The whole web is 1020 gaga buzz wise and the 925 looks obsolete in comparison, even though is it more of a niche product with that price tag.


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Dec 20, 2012
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.... which was sad for 810 because it has so much potential....... Expandable to 64gb... LTE Capable... ****... it could very well be on par with 920 as it has the same exact freagen processor chip!... Removable battery was a big plus and its life is stellar... the display resolution of 810 in comparison to 920 is almost identical to a normal person.. i really thought it was a great device - and i still think it is..

t-mo screwed us 810 users twice by making the 810 not be either the global model (820) or giving us the 16gb internal storage (822). No one was expecting miracles with the 810, but they dulled it up, overpriced it, and EOL'ed it once it didn't sell. That's why many users in the 810 forums won't touch t-mo too much anymore, because we know they're not going to update the phone. I swear, t-mo treated WP7 much better in comparison...


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May 22, 2013
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t-mo screwed us 810 users twice by making the 810 not be either the global model (820) or giving us the 16gb internal storage (822). No one was expecting miracles with the 810, but they dulled it up, overpriced it, and EOL'ed it once it didn't sell. That's why many users in the 810 forums won't touch t-mo too much anymore, because we know they're not going to update the phone. I swear, t-mo treated WP7 much better in comparison...

If i do decide to stick with WP in a long run, it wouldn't be an exclusive device from TMo that's for sure... and now that i'm on no contract basis, i might as well get myself an unlock 920... or ultimately jump right back to android where i came from...


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Oct 29, 2012
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As an 810 owner, I was so excited that we were going to get an LTE update just to watch that become a no-go with a poor reason imo, then get EOL'd shortly thereafter. The Tmo reps have always tried to talk me out of my WP purchases first my HD7 then my 810. Until I explain my reasons why I was deadset on each one. Honestly I hope the 925 does well as it should and T-mobile gets it's act together for the next batch of WPs. I also secretly wish the ATT merger would have happened at this point.


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May 22, 2013
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Nah, i think Sprint is too busy trying to sell off all their iPhones to get from out of Apple's grip to hate WP. I hope the 8XT and Ativ Neo sell, but I'm not holding my breath here.

Both devices that are coming out from Sprint "SHOULD" atleast make a dent... these are nicely build WP8 devices.. people need to change their perception of WP8 OS coz it surely is user friendly.. Nokia and MS just needs to work on their update developments more quickly...


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May 22, 2013
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As an 810 owner, I was so excited that we were going to get an LTE update just to watch that become a no-go with a poor reason imo, then get EOL'd shortly thereafter. The Tmo reps have always tried to talk me out of my WP purchases first my HD7 then my 810. Until I explain my reasons why I was deadset on each one. Honestly I hope the 925 does well as it should and T-mobile gets it's act together for the next batch of WPs. I also secretly wish the ATT merger would have happened at this point.

LTE would have been nice on our 810's but with having a 1800mah battery, i personally think it will do more bad than good as far as battery life.. Now, when I purchased my 810 - to be honest, the sales rep was very friendly and he even offered me to try it out.. very well knowledgeable about the device (WP8) platform (nice sales tactic).. he was unbiased, he did mentioned however when i asked about its sales that it was not selling as good as the iOS and Androids.. I have a feeling that 925 will be "IT" for TMobile (IF it does go by the way of 810) and will not be selling anymore WP8 going forward but that's only my assumption. That's good, coz i personally don't think they give a flying rats *** about WP8 in the first place anyways.

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