Band 2 power problem update


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Jun 5, 2013
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Got mine on release day and just last night mine shut off with ~50% power, today I tried to charge, reset, etc and it just keeps shutting off once unplugged and clasp touches. I purchased mine from Amazon will the MSstore swap mine out or did you have to purchase there to get them to swap it?


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Apr 16, 2015
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Got mine on release day and just last night mine shut off with ~50% power, today I tried to charge, reset, etc and it just keeps shutting off once unplugged and clasp touches. I purchased mine from Amazon will the MSstore swap mine out or did you have to purchase there to get them to swap it?
I purchased mine through preorder from Microsoft online store, and swapped it just a few days ago at their local store. No question asked. I believe as long as it is within warranty, the local store will just exchange it with a new one.


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Dec 24, 2014
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great count me in on this problem too! I just got my watch a month ago! going to contact MS later today when they open...


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Nov 30, 2012
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Loved my Band 2 but after 6 weeks it started getting the battery issue. I thought about a trade in but decided to just return it and wait for Band 3 where hopefully the battery issue will no longer be an issue.


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Dec 17, 2011
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So I am having issues too, with my Band 2. I purchased mine after Christmas from Amazon. Mine will die in the middle of the night, when it should still have plenty of power. One thing I have noticed is, I can charge mine and it will say it has 30% power, I can then wear it for a while and then put it back on the charger and it will register like 70%. So before reading here about clasp issues, I was thinking that the band was having issues registering how much charge the battery actually has. I was thinking the battery could get damaged if the band thinks the unit has 50% charge when it is actually at 100%. I hope it is not a hardware issue and only firmware/software issue.

Ewert Snyman

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May 7, 2016
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I think I found a solution. I bought a second hand Band 2 and experienced the problem from day one. I suspect the seller knew about the problem. I don't give up easy and stumbled upon this post early on. Contributing to my problem is the fact that I stay in South Africa, where the Band 2 has not even been released.

I played around with a few settings and found that by disabling the Daily Heart Rate, the problem disappeared completely. It has been 4 days now, and it has been working perfectly. One additional advantage is that the battery is now lasting more than 2 days.

Hope somebody else can test this as well.


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Nov 14, 2012
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I've had my Band since launch; I preordered it. It died last Thursday. I basically experienced the same thing people are describing here. A couple of times I've found my Band dead, not having noticed any low battery warning. But each time I was able to charge the Band with no issue. This time, however, I was sure I had another day's charge left and it refused to stay on.

So I took it to the Microsoft store in my area and got a replacement. I didn't get any explanation and the employees didn't spend any time trying to troubleshoot the thing. I noticed that they're now charging $175 for it, which is depressing because it implies they're not selling.

I guess a positive is that I got a second cable out of this. If this replacement ends up giving me trouble and I get a third, I'll probably end up selling that one on eBay.

Microsoft has some serious quality control and/or design flaw issues here. All too often, it seems like it's not a matter of it, but when their products will experience problems.


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Aug 15, 2007
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This is somewhat an old thread but after 5 months of daily use with no issues, my Band 2 died. When I plug it in it shows 65% but turns off as soon as I unplug it from the charger. If it was some type of bug I would image I couldn't have it because its been updated several times since I got it (I got it in early January). I do a little more research and I guess I'll return it for a new one if I can't find a fix.

Sent from my Surface 3


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Nov 7, 2014
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I noticed that they're now charging $175 for it, which is depressing because it implies they're not selling.
The competition is getting stiffer. Garmin has a couple of models that do more. I doubt if they can put it back at the full $249 price tag. (Supposedly it's on sale right now.)


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Feb 19, 2013
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In 6 months time my band 2 died twice.
Once it was the "run out of battery" problem and now the battery just stopped charging.
This morning I returned it for a second replacement.
I love the Band but 2 broken bands in 6 months time is way too much... :-(


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May 22, 2016
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Just started getting this issue, seemingly after the latest update... very odd. Was working perfectly before this week.


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May 22, 2016
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Totally a coincidence, the issue is a hardware issue not a software issue.
Interesting. You seem like you're totally sure, so what IS the hardware issue causing this?

Just happened to me after less than 2 hours of the charger in the middle of a workout, lost that workout data. Put it on the charger and it said 97%... lol. Pretty unacceptable.

I didn't buy mine at a Microsoft Store, would I have any luck taking it to one?

Davide Carozza

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Jul 23, 2014
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Interesting. You seem like you're totally sure, so what IS the hardware issue causing this?

Just happened to me after less than 2 hours of the charger in the middle of a workout, lost that workout data. Put it on the charger and it said 97%... lol. Pretty unacceptable.

I didn't buy mine at a Microsoft Store, would I have any luck taking it to one?

Shouldn't be a problem. I bought mine on Amazon, it's been replaced twice for me in MS store. Had the battery issue (connector inside the Band 2 gets stretched, makes intermittent contact) and had the cracking on the side. Both times they replaced it no questions asked. If you happen to have also bought it on Amazon, they have done a great job accepting returns of defective units long after the return window technically closes. If my 3rd Band 2 also dies then I am going to go to the MS store, get it replaced with a new one but leave it in the box, and consider returning to Amazon for some other fitness tracker that doesn't keep breaking.

Edit to avoid ambiguity: you don't need a new unit to return to Amazon, not according to what I have read, but I'd get a new one anyhow so I could choose to keep it or return it based on what I thought of possible alternatives. Plus I figure it can't hurt (if asking for a return outside the return window) to offer to send back a sealed unit.


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Jun 5, 2013
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And my second band2 just tore today. The first one lasted 3 months before it had the cable issue, the second one went for 4 months before it tore.


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May 22, 2016
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Yeah sadly the Daily Heart Rate workaround didn't do anything. I got mine at best buy. I guess I'll take it to an MS store for a new one and see how that goes. This is a shame as there aren't any trackers that has as appealing a feature set by a long shot and these QC issues seem wayyy too widespread. :(

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