Microsoft won't repair or replace my Band 2?

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Microsoft won't repair or replace my Band 2

My fianc? bought me a Microsoft Band 2 for Christmas from After exactly one month of normal usage, the strap tore. It tore in the exact place where the screen ends. This to me is an obvious design flaw. (My dad, an engineer, agrees) I've also seen other posts online with users having their Band 2 crack in the exact same place.

I spoke to Microsoft via their online chat, and they told me they would replace it for me. So I FedEx'd it to them. A few weeks later, I received a package from them saying that they would not fix it as the damage was unrelated to defect in materials or workmanship. Really? The strap tears after one month of normal usage (not just me - others too) and it's not related to defects in materials or workmanship?

So.... I spoke to Microsoft again via their online chat, and this time the lady I spoke to told me that THIS TIME Microsoft would replace it, and she apologized that it wasn't replaced the last time. So I FedEx'd it back to them, and lo and behold a couple of days later it was again returned unfixed/unreplaced AGAIN!

This level of service is shocking. I've purchased their Lumia 920 phone in the past, and am currently using their Lumia 930, and was planning on upgrading to the 950. But after this ordeal, I'm not so sure anymore.

Anyone have an ideas as to what I can do?
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Nov 12, 2012
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Re: Microsoft won't repair or replace my Band 2

I don't know your exact situation... Just what you describe. Same with other reports.

I wonder if there is something in the way Band/ 2 might be worn that contributes. Bear with me...

IF users are putting the Band/2 in the position they normally would wear a watch in, i.e.: low on the wrist, just below the hand.... The device is very rigid and that area goes through a lot of flex in near infinite directions during normal activity. Combined with a very tight ratchet of the clasp, this could subject joins to undue stress.

Is it possible that they see a stress fracture in the connection and not just a separation due to poor construction?

Again, I don't know.I wasn't there and I haven't examined the device. Further, I'm not a mechanical engineer. This is a theory I have developed from reading such posts. Seems some users never experience such a separation, while others can replicate it again and again. This would seem to put it more in the area of how the device is used, rather than how it is constructed.

I'm 5 months with Band 1 and no peeling, splitting, separations or other such issues.

FWIW, this is how I wear my Band, screen side in and farther along the wrist (away from the hand) so that is above the end knobs of the radius and ulna. Well above the carpus The only wrist motion to affect Band is rotation around the axis of the arm. No part of wrist flex impacts Band. I wear it firm, but no more. It stays in place, yet I can still slide it around without loosening the clasp. HR is a pretty accurate fix still. I've checked against stand alone monitors.


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