Woo Even More Mango


New member
Mar 23, 2011
I'm updating my phone right now! I will report back when it's finished.

1. Start up is different. The Logo is now red/orange and square.
2. In the music and video hub the play button is now two musical notes.
3. Twitter works!
4. "Fly in" animations for Music, games, pictures, and office are different.
5. Stream music through Skydrive.
6. Trophy users can again receive MMS messages.
7. Feels faster
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changes i've noticed so far
1. twitter and linkedin integration (including photo upload to twitter)
2. chime sound when copying
3. the wallpaper/homescreen flash seems to be fixed
4. more noticable animations when opening apps
5. no more color bleeding on tiles (appeared in first mango beta only, not nodo)
6. blank tile icon no longer appears next to group names in people list
7. multitasking scrolling smooth now

things missing:

1. extras item still gone from pictures menus
2. the tabs icon is still hidden in the menu on IE
New boot square orange windows phone logo. Even smoother scrolling, not had a chance to really play yet Grrrrrr

Zune is really snappy. :)
Can the people who have installed Mango the other way "takeonetomango", get this update too? Or is it "Dev" only?
hmm i was hoping to see specific people's twitter and linkedin status updates on thier "what's new" tab in their contact, but so far it's just facebook

i see the twitter and linkedin updates in the what's new tab of the people hub however...it's actually very cluttered now with all my twitter updates
I just noticed this with the first Beta Mango. If you go into setting -> battery saver. It gives you an actual percentage of battery life remaining. If your phone is unplugged, it gives you a estimate of how long your battery will last before dying, and how long ago it was since your last charge.

FYI, the estimates are a little on the higher end. LOL. No way do I have 9 more hours remaining, with a 61% charge.
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Mine's updating now to 7712.....
I just hope that the first Zune 4.8 Beta works after the update, so I can restore for Full Mango when it drops

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