Developer wanted


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Mar 4, 2013
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I have an idea for an app, but I don't have the knowledge or time to learn how to make it. It should be a fairly simple app, and you will either get a share of the profits or a one-time reward, depending on which you prefer.

"This is an app that would allow a Word document to be viewed, and edited, with an "open-edit" approach. This means being to able to mark the document without changing the text, but rather with red markings, either using a stylus or finger. The pages with changes will then be compiled into one file after the original document has been completely viewed. A simple app, but nothing like this exists right now and would be very useful to proofreaders who read over court reporter transcripts."

I haven't found an app able to do that yet, and even MS Word won't do it. I would like this to be a Windows 8 app, as I'm looking to get it for my mom who does work that requires an app like this. As it is, she's printing on thousands of pages of paper, and I'd like to reduce that to 0, by giving her a Surface and having this app developed. Please let me know if you're interested, or if you know of an app like this on any platform. Can't find one myself.


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Dec 31, 2012
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Hard to do as editing Word docs is not easy, especially when there is no COM interface to Office in the WinRT.

Can she not simply use Word?

Word - Review, Show Comments. Select Text and Add Comment (section is then highlighted).

When you Print, select Print, under Settings - List of Mark up. Save to XPS doc.

Or save the Doc and let people adjust where the Review marks are...


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Mar 4, 2013
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That would work, but it needs more than a "list of markups". The whole page where the markup is located comes in handy. Plus there are many shorthand or other symbols that she uses that Word simply can't use. That's why a freehand editing program would be handy.

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