Things hardcore gamers don't consider when talking about the Series S


Mod Emeritus
Mar 1, 2011
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(there is no TL;DR)

1. Play it. Beat it. Delete it. Yes, we do exist. And I'm willing to beat there's a lot of us.

2. A large part of what makes games so large are the textures. The S won't download 4K textures so you won't have unused assets eating away at your hard drive.

3. There's a lot of great games that are 60 gigs or less. You can be playing Doom Eternal, Ace Combat 7, The Outer Worlds, Sekiro, Resident Evil 7, and Watch Dogs Legion while only using up a little over 200 gigs. Yes, DLC will balloon some of those file sizes. But then you're back to point 1 as I find it unlikely that someone is playing all those solo titles at once.

*pro-tip: Grab a 4TB external HDD for around $99-$150 and move games to the external drive when not in use. Much cheaper. More storage. No need to spend $220 on a 1TB drive.

4. But what about multiplayer? Cycling through multiplayer games can be burn through your storage so don't whine and get the appropriate system for you.

5. Sales matter! In a year or two, Microsoft could offer holiday discounts on the Series S and push it down to $250. I see the Series S going on sale far more often than the PS5 DE.

6. The economy has gone to crap and ya poor! Which goes back to point 5. A next-gen console for $250-$300 looks pretty enticing when you're pandemic pinching those pennies.

7. "But it's not next-gen because it can't do One X enhanced games!" While I don't know why it doesn't do One X enhanced games, I do know that several devs have come out and said it's noticeably more powerful than the One X. And that's important because next gen games aren't like current gen games but at 120FPS. CPU/GPU demands are going to explode. The Series S *should* be able to keep pace but at an advertised lower resolution.

8. The usual reminder that the hardcore makes up the minority of gamers. I'm not at all saying that the S is going to be a smash hit, but also don't underestimate the number of casuals that will look at the box and say, "Cyberpunk 2077, upscaled 4K, next-gen, all for $300? Good enough." (or more realistically, insert NBA2K/Madden for Cyberpunk)

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