Replacing a PC - what storage options are there?


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Nov 1, 2012
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Hi all.

We've just bought a windows 8.1 with Bing 2 in 1 tablet and I'm contemplating ditching the PC. For what it is used for, and how often we use it, I feel we can get away with ditching it and just use the tablet.

My only issue is storage. The tablet has 32gb storage which I can bump up a bit through an SD card, but for all our music and photos we need a lot more. One option is to simply attach an a external drive through usb, but that would mean having to plug it in when required and I'd prefer an always available option.

I'm thinking of going wireless, but wanted to see if anyone had gone through the same process and what option you took. My first option at the moment is the WD My Cloud wireless external hard drive, but not sure it will do what I want. So looking for thoughts and opinions really.


Poirots Progeny

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Dec 22, 2013
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I actually use my cloud, attached to my router - works perfectly as an always on solution.

Although I've connected a NAS with a couple a tb storage in RAID (it's storing work files at home - need the storage, redundancy and want it fire proof... No reason not to do that for your music collection lol)

Check out

Under the pc components heading, top left, look at NAS.

This site is very in depth and, in truth, has information overload - unless you really do know what you're on about. If you're asking here then you clearly lack knowledge - read up on this, at the site, and o promise you you'll be able to set up whatever set-up you want, and can go totally wireless!!! That's what I've done at home.

I don't know where you are in the world but amazon sells NAS devices, as do others - some expensive, many cheaper options are better (see reviews on the aforementioned website).

Sorry for the info dump.

Re your current wd set up - it'll do what you want fine. Especially as the tablet is low power, low grunt. That said, I've streamed hd movies from a wd mycloud to an sp3 fine - the router needs good band width - so you should be good!

Apologies if I've completely gone off the mark here - hope this helps ;)


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Sep 8, 2013
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Synctoy is a great backup program its been around forever. It lets you backup your stuff and only backup changes so it takes less time and less wear on the external drive.
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