Why are my apps sandboxing?

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Windows Central Question


with the previous versions, all third party applications have been sandboxed where apps cant run on their own, some cant run when minimized (especially flashlight).
What happened to WP10?
are apps allowed to run like on android?


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Jan 12, 2013
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Re: Sandboxing

Hmm, not sure if that was a typo in your post, but sand boxed third party apps can run on their own - the fact that they're running in a windows phone simply means that they're, er, running.:cool:

These apps can run in the background through a background task or depending on how they have been designed to run in the background. For example, there are step counting apps that can count the apparent steps the user carrying the phone makes while walking or running even if the app is switched into the background. This is especially true for apps that have Sensor Core Technology.

Apps have been sand boxed in Windows Phone primarily for security. The sand boxed environment doesn't allow any kind of software from altering or tampering with files which didn't come with them and prevents them from creating files in locations aside from their designated address such that installed/downloaded software can't alter system files and other files from other apps. This is particularly useful against malware which could do a lot of damage by being able to access the files from other apps, including but not limited to: corrupting system files, replacing legitimate app files with hacker-accessible files, phishing for private information and unwanted/un-monitored remote access.

Hence, in Windows 10 for Mobile, it is most likely that the app environment would be the same - sand boxed and secure for good.

P.S. Try not to use the LED of your phone as a flashlight for too long, as it has been associated in the past to be a cause of camera malfunction and failure.

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