Q About a Surface OR Surface 2

George Anglin

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Mar 28, 2013
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I am considering on getting a new surface but not sure which to get. I first thought i would get the regular one but the new ones are around the corner so I started looking a little deeper into what i might actually want to use it for. I was looking at videos on youtube and a few people had the pro version 1st gen surface and it was awesome to me because they used the pen as a graphic design tool and the tablet was essentially a drawing tool. I had considered before that i kind of liked the pen because you can essentially draw on certain notes and stuff but i was wondering if its only a surface pro benefit. Can i get a surface and buy the touch pen separately and do similar things on it? Like instead of typing use the pen to write notes hand written to word or even start having my own fun on photoshop? If not i might just have to get a pro even though its almost double the price.

George Anglin

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Mar 28, 2013
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=( I was hoping it wasn't.I myself don't really have a bad opinion about rt so i would have liked to be able to use rt and the touch pen.


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Oct 17, 2013
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I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but as an amateur digital artist myself, you must also consider what applications you'd use with a stylus as well. Even if the RT/surface 2(nonpro) ends up supporting a stylus for some odd reason, the restrictions of applications would be pretty painful, at least for the first 6 to 8 months while application developers start developing with such hardware in mind (which was the case with Android when we started to see the entrance of Stylus tablets). Whilst I have seen people use microsoft paint to create masterpieces, unless you're some sort of genius on a tablet (which most people who buy a tablet to draw on from either drawing on paper or just wanting to take it up as), are not. It's one thing to support the pen, it's another thing to consider the software available that supports the stylus input. Noting that the Surface Pro, originally took MANY months after release to support the pressure levels of the stylus in applications like Photoshop.

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