Still looking for the perfect music app


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Apr 20, 2014
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As mentioned in other threads I have ripped all my CD's to .flac format and the difference between them and MP3/Groove stuff is enormous.

However I am still on the lookout for a better music app.

It must work on PC, Xbox and WP.

Groove doesn't cope with Flac on Onedrive and because the Xbox version of the app doesn't see local files in any way stops Groove being a contender.

VLC is working on all three and I am using it and it "Works", but it is a bit flaky on the Xbox One to say the least. Several albums with 3 copies of each song (There is only one of each on the other devices) lots of album art missing or showing the wrong covers, and one disc of the Beatles White double album shown as by "The Beatles" and the other by "Beatles".

Anyone else know of a good and I don't mind paying, music app that works on all three formats, works with .flac format and doesn't mess up too much?

I am using a USB flash drive to store the music on the Xbox One, you can't use a standard hard drive as they turn off and this mucks up the music directory every time you start VLC


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Feb 21, 2013
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I'm looking for a player too. The N7 player in the MS Store says it works on both PC and mobile and supports One Drive. I have not tried it yet.


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Apr 20, 2014
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No Xbox version.

Groove works on PC and Mobile with .flac format, just doesn't know about local media on the Xbox so falls over as it's the Xbox that is the most important as it is part of my main Hi-Fi set up.

VLC works well on PC and Mobile, it does work on the Xbox One (Soon to be replaced by the X as I just got an Xmas bonus) but the software is flaky to say the least although I have sorted out the multiple copies of tracks.

N7 haven't tried it as it doesn't do Xbox.

So at the moment I am stuck with VLC.

I suppose I could look at Plex but it seems more complicated than I need as I only need to play local music on each device in .flac format.

Any and all suggestions welcome.

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