So I heard a Rumor...


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Mar 15, 2016
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And no, RumoredNow, this thread is not about you! Though with the right permutations of fate, maybe it could be. ;) So after much deliberation, and a lot of thought into which thread to jack with my rantful hyperbole, I arrived at the decency of a conclusion to correct my winsome erring ways, and make a sad little sorry thread about my little prattle myself anyways. And I hate making or populating new threads. I would know about it.

Anyways, so the trawler I am - not troller, I'm being serious here - I just spent the night trawling through Elite X3 reviews and the random interwebs, and I came upon two interesting tidbits of note. Since its the wee hours of morning, and the perfect moment to put my hallucinatory thoughts to the world out there, here goes nothing - at the risk of putting my journalistic integrity at risk here ofcourse, and believe me when I tell you I know what that feels like being any journalist/editor of note, or worth your salt. I'm sure Dan would understand this here, especially where I'm coming from.

But... enough preamble. So the first and the more immediate note here was a comment a poster made under a review of the device itself, in response to an inquiry about the lapdock. The poster noted that on his last visit to his friendly neighborhood MS store to 'fondle' the device, the good folks at the floor told him that they had docks coming in and the story policy was to give them away to people purchasing the Elite X3 device - especially over the initial period of the sales' lifetime - as a promotory vehicle. Now I dont know if this was a certain store only promo, or a MS store promotion being run in store for the initial wave of devices and sales, but I think its a very tempting and legitimate reason to draw people into the store to check out the device - and possibly sell a purchase. Because, really. Lets be honest here. At 799 bucks a pop with that lapdock, it suddenly becomes a no brainer and an actual legitimate 3 in 1 purchase that starts making some economic sense too. Now, it is very likely that the good man was confusing the continuum dock with the lapdock, but we would all like to hope not. And plus, at this point, the lapdock giveaway would basically become a loss leading tactic for MS to push the platform and the device purchases, which would be a healthy indicator of MS's trust and investment into the platform. Sadly, this is all hyperbole right now. But if true, could be a game changer, in the same way a small nudge tipping the coffee over onto a pretty lady's blouse can be a game changer. Okay, I admit, the analogy made no sense at all, but I really wanted to have said/use it, once. At least. But I really mean a small positive quantum of change and shift in focus and momentum, that is meaningful for us all. And would push to get this into alot, and I mean alot, of consumer's hands. I mean, you'd finally have a real reason you can make sense of to your wife for such an exorbitant, whimsical, and useless/pointless purchase. Ofcourse her 900 dollar iPhone or 800 dollar S7 edge definitely do not fall into that category. I know, I exaggerate just a small 'mite' amount. :p

And with that, I move onto my second point of note here. The other review I was reading, again from a reputable site, had some thing really interesting to say too that none of the commenters cared to make note of or pick up on - because they were all too busy in a dissing match (I would really like to replace the 'd' with a 'p' in there but I'm not sure if it would impeach on the rules of social propriety or the forum on here) as is the norm in todays interwebs' world. Talk about feeling smart all of a sudden! :D :p but hey, at least this time it wasnt some random gentleman posting a comment in a story that I'm basing a whole thread out of! :p So anyways, towards the end, the review noted in its conclusion that it was the enterprise that would have zero qualms about going for the device, whilst the consumers would have so and so hangups - namely sound, sunlight readability, and the camera. However, noting the interest in the device and the buzz being generated around the device already, in both the consumer and enterprise circles already - and the relatively exceeding consumer demand for the device - consumers need not worry or show concern at these relative short comings of the device. HP was already working on a second one, possibly more consumer oriented. Now this, if true, could perhaps be the biggest Windows Mobile news for the remainder of the year, sans Alcatel's so-far vaporware, and Cerulean's smack talk - which, until theres something hitting the ground running, is all it really is. This, simply because it represents a significant change and influx/injection into the ecosystem, for us all alike. And a definitive repose-ment of faith into us as users, and the platform as a viable vehicle of change in the current scenario, by a big vendor - that can actually have a chance of mattering, and making a difference. Might even make all the hasty folks pipe down about the Surface phone for a while. :p But anyways, significant quantum of change is exactly what it would be.

Now ofcourse, there's no sources - to me atleast - to back this, or the other tidbit up. But boy, would an affirmative or a positive feedback on either make us all heave a collective sigh of relief and pleasant surprise! Whew. And anyone here is welcome to positively reinforce me on this, and I'd really like to say I'm looking at you here Dan - with all your 'sauce' magicking. But really, whats the point. Its more likely to be untrue, or just that, hyperbole and wishful thinking indeed. :)

And with that, rant over folks. :) ^_^ Cheers y'all!

-- Werentuckl

Daniel Rubino

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Jan 19, 2006
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No comment about a consumer device, but stay tuned on Monday. I interview the VP of HP Mobility about the Elite x3 and I ask (I think) the majority of questions many of you have asked here and elsewhere, including about other devices.

Also, in a few weeks, a software update will come that bumps the display brightness from 380 nits to 550 for outdoor readability.


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Jan 27, 2014
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1. The 'rumorednow' link popped into my head as well :D and I wanted to push this as a joke in a PM, but he's already liked it so.... alas...

2. Agree with the fact that the X3 has created some buzz and so far I've seen a fair amount of positive news surrounding this phone.

3. I did not know that it was selling that well? would be interesting to see the numbers.

4. This is my own ego (coupled to this platform); one site claimed that MS should call it quits with this phone, because they finally did sth right, but that basically tells me you're scared of what the future holds :D X3 doing well, lapdock and improvements to continuum (planned) could help to make a big splash. If the rumors are true that there is a second, more consumer-friendly, version coming 'soon', that adds another ripple to the pond. Releasing the AU and heading for the second major RS release AND making it available for all w10 devices as soon as it launches adds a few more ripples. Soon enough we have big waves. For a dying platform (as many would have us believe) we sure are showing some power/prowess to stick around...

If MS can show with actions instead of words that they are going to compete in the mobile section, we can get sth going here. Not to go off topic, but the 'dumping' of the band wasn't a move that we needed at this point


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Mar 29, 2011
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By the way Daniel.....been a longtime fan of the site. Great work by you and the team....makes being a fan of this platform more bearable!! Oh and I might have sent a snarky email to you years ago. Let's just say not one of my finest moments....i was being an ***, but then again my wife might tell you if I've only been an *** to you once in all these years you're definitely winning!!

Daniel Rubino

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Jan 19, 2006
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By the way Daniel.....been a longtime fan of the site. Great work by you and the team....makes being a fan of this platform more bearable!! Oh and I might have sent a snarky email to you years ago. Let's just say not one of my finest moments....i was being an ***, but then again my wife might tell you if I've only been an *** to you once in all these years you're definitely winning!!

lol, thanks and no worries. We all have our moments and I am not the exception ;) Cheers.


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Mar 15, 2016
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Damn! I think I just stole Dan all to myself for this thread. O_O Havent seen so much Dan in so quick a progression in I think... ever. :D :D :D

But playing ****** aside, I think its good/healthy news - all of what you're telling us. And if I know anything about how the journalism circles work. No comment is precisely just that, the most direct comment that can be made at a point where you're not allowed, by wisdom/NDA or any inappropriation of time. So I am going to take that to mean that whilst it is too early to make that commitment, that comment is definitely indicative of positive underbrewings, and possibly on a device altogether in at least some form of commitment/precommitment/planning. :) ^_^ Just me two little baby cents folks/Dan.

And JTS, wives never lie when it comes to dissing their husbands my friend. I am with you in that you tell us in honesty, and nothing except.

Also, I had the chance/privilege to try out continuum over the last weekend on a 950XL. And folks, to all the people who have the devices and even the docks, but have never tried/bothered trying it out. The hype is real my friends. I legitimately had to find and collect my dropped jaw as soon as the continuum screen came on. With the dock. At the mere marvel of the fact of its functioning, and the immense potential bottled up in there someone. This is the future. And we are right there. At the ignored, roughed up, and bruised edge to the curve. I fail to understand the lack of a concretised push behind it by the flagbearers of the platform, at all levels. I'm thinking a 200-300 USD solid midrange phone here with a cheap-ish 25-50 dollar dock/hub. 200-300 here meaning the amount of hardware that buys you in the Androidverse. Not what us poor low volume consumers get. And think of the number of new converts to the platform and believers this dead platform could yet find. If it was pushed, at this point in its life, to even the consumer market itself. We need some of your marketing dollars MS. For the people. And your platform. :)

Cheerios. Some faith restored in this little platform already for me. Especially over the last couple of days folks. :) ^~^

-- W

Daniel Rubino

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Jan 19, 2006
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So I am going to take that to mean that whilst it is too early to make that commitment, that comment is definitely indicative of positive underbrewings, and possibly on a device altogether in at least some form of commitment/precommitment/planning. :) ^_^ Just me two little baby cents folks/Dan.

HP is a pragmatic company. If they see a market for something, a demand, and an opportunity they will attempt to meet that. The x3 is that device for a specific segment of their customers. If they see an opportunity for a consumer version, I'm sure they will step up. However, I think they will wait and see. The x3 is not really a phone, but a central mobile computing device. Different angle they are using in marketing than a consumer play.


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Mar 15, 2016
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Yes, you're right, but it is of note that HP isnt primarily a company in the business for consumer phones or phones at all. So far. Precisely how you laid it out as well. But what I find curious is that the angle they're coming from works just as well in the consumer play as you put it. From my experience of things. Which, then begs the question Dan. Really. Why not? :) ^_^

-- W


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Sep 1, 2012
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  • Even with the brightness increase (which does help with the problem!) "clearblack" would have been a good thing to see if MS would license out for cheap.
  • A snapdragon modem would have increased a few frequencies and rated a higher channel bonding rating down the road
  • IS lens of maybe Zeiss quality would have been nice
  • Perhaps a Sony sensor?
  • A camera button? (miss that on every phone that doesn't have it)
  • Maybe bringing a bit more musicality and bass to the speaker tuning/selection

I otherwise think this phone really does a bangup job on the features list. I love the size and think it reminds me of the Note 4 and 5 or 1520. You get used to the size from I hear from most who thought these phones were too big at first purchase. 64GB was the right choice and SD for expansion. IPxx is all over and that was well worth doing. Battery life needs to be at the top of the heap and they got that one.

If you look at many of the 2in1 designs from HP it's clear their design group isn't sitting around. For a "first model" they did get many things absolutely right. Screen is top notch too. HP could easily branch from this with other designs as they have done in the larger pc world. It's a great start.


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Sep 2, 2014
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Some HP sales rep actually mentioned Ages ago about another device coming out. He wasn't very specific on the exact details. He was there answering questions about the X3 and posting some photos and such. This was a while back before the X3 was actually out. He also mentioned a Copper colored version of the X3 but we haven't seen that spawn.


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Dec 20, 2012
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it was a Reddit session and he actually mentioned that they were currently working on a couple devices and the X3 would not be the last.


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Dec 20, 2012
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having purchased one last week and unfortunately having to return it due to some compatibility issues with TELUS and my Shaw cable router. I absolutely loved the device and very sorry I had to return it, but will revisit it in the near future and hopefully some of the bugs are worked out and the chipset is more optimised for windows 10.

Ryan Smith23

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Jul 27, 2016
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having purchased one last week and unfortunately having to return it due to some compatibility issues with TELUS and my Shaw cable router. I absolutely loved the device and very sorry I had to return it, but will revisit it in the near future and hopefully some of the bugs are worked out and the chipset is more optimised for windows 10.

I would have gotten rid of Telus and Shaw instead (former client of both). :grin:


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Mar 15, 2016
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Well this took off unexpectedly well. :O O_O

And thank you for sourcing that bit of somewhat news Lain and Pants. Good to know there was an actual AMA where this came out. Also, have you you ever seen Serial Experiments Lain? Just curious.

Also, whats a Banarama song? :/



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Jan 11, 2013
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HP is a pragmatic company. If they see a market for something, a demand, and an opportunity they will attempt to meet that. The x3 is that device for a specific segment of their customers. If they see an opportunity for a consumer version, I'm sure they will step up. However, I think they will wait and see. The x3 is not really a phone, but a central mobile computing device. Different angle they are using in marketing than a consumer play.

Hi Daniel,

I am a huge fan of your excellent site and spent 15 years of my career at HP in Enterprise sales at the corporate level. This NYPD example is the level of business that HP should be after and certainly consistent with what Microsoft is saying. I strongly suspect that there are MANY deployments of this scale or HP would not have launched the x3 both worldwide and so aggressively. Of course, they "need" a Verizon version ASAP - I personally just wish that they would add a MVNO route and we can simply get Verizon through a Microsoft store or HP Online!

I would guess that you have seen this, from the recent Microsoft Ignite Conference (one of only 4 Microsoft mega-conferences per year), as many "Enterprise BUSINESS DECISION makers and Microsoft solution partners" want to know the answer to this question as well. There were over 20,000 attendees, "live streamed" and on-demand to tens of thousands more and is now part of the "official Microsoft record".

I don't think that Satya Nadella will let "Windows 10 Phone" die or fade away anytime soon as "Mobility" is one of his core strategies!

Nice slide deck and a strong "stay tuned hints" during the Q&A session at the end - this was NOT some "Microsoft employee" wanting to present as the "presenter", as I recall, said that he works for Terry Myerson.
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Aug 15, 2007
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Hi Daniel,

Nice slide deck and a strong "stay tuned hints" during the Q&A session at the end - this was NOT some "Microsoft employee" wanting to present as the "presenter", as I recall, said that he works for Terry Myerson.

Thanks for posting that. The best part is "we are committed to the Windows 10 Mobile operating system".

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